Hebrews 2 | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

Hebrews 2

The Scroll with Seven Seals

What is the meaning of the scroll with seven seals in Revelation chapter 5? What are the seven seals? Why is no one worthy to open the scroll? Discover the significance of the scene in Revelation 5 when the Lion of Judah takes the scroll with seven seals from the hand of Hashem.

The Family of God

Moses was faithful in all God's house as a servant, but the Messiah has the status of Son over the household. Hebrews 3:1-6 contrasts and compares the respective stations of Moses and Messiah in the household of God. This teaching considers the familial language the Yeshua and the apostles applied to the believers, and it discusses the concept of family loyalty and our obligations to one another within the body of Messiah.

The Partisans

The kingdom of heaven prior to the final redemption can be likened to a partisan movement, such as Robin Hood and his men or the European freedom fighters that fought in Nazi occupied territory. The Partisans is a teaching on Hebrews 2 in light of Psalm 8 and the parable of the ten minas in Luke 19 concerning all things in subjection to the Son and the revelation of the kingdom.

Spoken by Angels

The writer of the book of Hebrews indicates that the Torah was spoken by angels. In this teaching, D. Thomas Lancaster takes a look at first-century angelology to understand the apostolic concept of the Torah being delivered by angels and what role that concept plays in the argument in Hebrews 2.

Ten Testimonies

In the first two chapters of the Epistle to the Hebrews, the writer of the epistle employs ten proof texts drawn from the Torah, the Prophets, and the Writings to make his case that Messiah is more exalted than angels. In this teaching, D. Thomas Lancaster connects the dots between the ten passages to reveal the larger message.

A fast-paced, crash course weaving all over the Bible as we follow an apostolic midrash. This is a fun exploration of New Testament Era methods of Bible interpretation.

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