American politics | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

More about American politics

What did the liturgy and prayers of the early disciples of Yeshua sound like? Clement's epistle to the Corinthians concludes with a majestic prayer with strong parallels to Jewish liturgy. This lesson and the contents of the prayer include material pertinent to the modern political divide as Clement teaches us how to pray for government officials. Download the oriignal class handout in the PDF attachment below.

How did an enlightened, educated, and morally developed culture like Germany of the 1930s perpetrate one of the greatest humanitarian crimes of all time? This lecture takes a look at the problem from the perspective of the Gospels and Dietrich Bonhoeffer and it offers a dire warning for the current trajectory of political and social discourse in America. 

An international pandemic, riots in American cities, Chinse brinkmanship, rivers in Russia turn blood red, canibal rats in the streets, the American flag torn assunder, the Washington Monument struck by lightning--it's all in another week of the signs of the times during the birth pangs of Messiah.

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