weight loss | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

More about weight loss

Are you carrying a heavy burden? It might not be just sin and guilt. This teaching speaks about the need to train the animal side of the human being and bring it into subjection. Part two of the Choose Life teaching and the conclusion to the Train Yourself for Godliness series, just on time for the high holidays. 

If Yeshua came to die for our sins, then why did he pray that the cup of suffering might be taken away from him? This teaching on Parashat Ki Tavo's curses and blessings reaches into the kingdom to obtain some help for our physical condition in the world today. 

Why was Yeshua called "a glutton and a drunkard"? Discover the meaning behind the cryptic passage, "We played a flute for you, but you did not dance; we sang a dirge, but you did not mourn," and learn about the path of meseret nefesh, asceticism, and self-control.

Have you ever heard of the "Hudson Twenty"? Beth Immanuel's new associate pastor, Toby Janicki, speaks about some of the "weighty matters" of Torah in this teaching from Parashat Shoftim, encouraging us to lighten up.

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Our Messianic Synagogue is located in historic Hudson, Wisconsin, just minutes away from St. Paul, Minnesota.

We always welcome visitors, but special events and holidays are wonderful times to visit.

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