Beth Immanuel is a friendly and welcoming community. Click here to learn what to expect when you visit.

The People of Beth Immanuel
Beth Immanuel is not a building, it is people. We are a community of disciples seeking to care for and nurture one another as our lives intersect on the common path of discipleship. Because the Torah cannot be functionally lived outside of a community context, we are mutually dependent upon one another. This means learning to get along with each other even when we don't always agree on every point. Community means working through the difficulties and acknowledging that, in the end, we really are family.
At Beth Immanuel, we are dedicated to making community happen. Several families live within walking distance of the congregation building. We regularly host one another in our homes on Friday evenings to welcome the Sabbath. On Saturdays, we share a community meal after service. We keep the building open until after sunset so that we can enjoy common fellowship, prayer and study throughout the Sabbath day. We desire to be known as disciples of Yeshua of Nazareth by our love for one another.