Tisha B'av | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

More about Tisha B'av

Need some joy in your life? The Talmud says, "When Adar come in, joy increases." What's the reason for that? This teaching explains the principle and describes a recent miracle that took place in Israel. 

There's a direct connection between the death of the Messiah and the destruction of the Temple. The story of the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple gets to the heart of the meaning of the crucifixion of Yeshua. Listen to this unedited recording of a live presentation to a Beth Immanuel Green Room class on the afternoon of Tisha B'Av 2019. 

Yeshua said, "Destroy this Temple and in three days I will raise it up again." This teaching goes deep into the meaning behind those words to reveal unmistakable correlations between Yeshua's death and resurrection and the Temple's destruction and ultimate restoration. Part two of the two-part teaching titled "Christmas in July."

Have you ever had a bad day? Sometimes God uses the worst days to bring about the best good. According to an old legend, the Messiah was born on Tisha B'Av, the day that the Temple was destroyed. Here's part one of a two part teaching on the Messianic significance of Tisha B'Av and the destruction of the Temple with correlations to Yeshua's birth, death, and resurrection.

The three weeks this year are illuminated by the light of Comet Neowise, the latest sign and portent of the birth pangs of the Messiah. Here's a teaching about the new comet and its significance in relation to the three weeks and the coming of the Messiah. 

People with deep convictions can be characterized as "zealots," and zeal is a good thing ... sometimes. Here's another warning to disciples regarding the toxic social discourse and cultural divide tearing apart the United States of America with reference to the Fast of Tammuz and the three weeks. 

If salt loses its saltiness, with what will it be salted? Here's a fourth of July message for disciples for the Fast of Tammuz on the significance of the fast days and the mission of the kingdom. 

Before the destruction of the Temple, the people of Judea experienced a series of dire omens and warnings that pointed to the coming catastrophe. Listen to a fascinating class, recorded live in the Beth Immanuel Green Room on Tisha b'Av in the year 2012, that compiles a list of the omens from the Talmud, Josephus, the Gospels, and Jewish tradition to tell the story of the lead up to the darkest day. Download the original handout in the PDF below.  

"Every generation in which the Temple is not rebuilt, is considered guilty of its destruction." Our Master knew that baseless hatred was the sin which was going to cause his generation to forfeit the redemption and go into exile. Therefore he called upon his generation to repent, and by repent, he meant, "Love God," and "Love one another." Love is at the center of his Gospel message.

Follow the life of Jeremiah through the last days of the kingdom of Judah, the siege of Jerusalem, the assasination of Gedaliyah, and the flight to Egypt.


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