What's the real meaning behind the Eucharist, the Lord's Supper, and Communion? This teaching offers a Messianic Jewish perspective on the ritual that goes beyond the Passover Seder context to unlock the significance of the Master's words, "Do this in remembrance of me."

Messianic Passover Teachings and Events
Passover is a beautiful festival of redemption instructed in the Bible, celebrated by the ancient followers of Yeshua, and preserved by the Jewish community for centuries.
Passover (in Hebrew, Pesach) not only commemorates the exodus from Egypt, it anticipates and celebrates the ultimate Messianic redemption.
For Messianic Jews and Gentiles, Passover is also an important time to commemorate the death, burial, and resurrection of our Master Yeshua, which also occurred at this season.
We celebrate Passover by removing all traces of leaven from our homes, by participating in a special meal called a seder, and by singing songs, blessings, and prayers of praise.
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