Audio Series: Pitchei Olam: Entrance to the Eternal Kingdom | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue | Messianic Jewish synagogue near Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN

Audio Series: Pitchei Olam: Entrance to the Eternal Kingdom

This mussar series explores the steps outlined in 2 Peter 1:5-7.

1 Entrance to the Eternal Kingdom: 2 Peter 1:5-7 in its Jewish Context Recorded 04/28/2023

Explore the process of spiritual self-improvement as outlined in 2 Peter 1:5-7, in light of Jewish thought. Learn how Jewish sources provide step-by-step outlines for personal growth, and delve into the importance of the pursuit of holiness and entrance to what Peter calls "the Eternal Kingdom." 

Books mentioned:

2 Open the Gates Recorded 05/25/2023

The first commandment at Mount Sinai was "I am the LORD your God who took you out from Egypt, out of the house of slavery" (Exodus 20:2). Why did God introduce himself this way instead of as the God "who Created of the Universe"? In this lecture we will explore the meaning of implications of faith (emunah) as the foundation of our life's journey to the Kingdom.

3 Be Excellent Recorded 07/28/2023

2 Peter 1:5 instructs us to add "virtue" or "excellence" to our faith. But what does that mean, exactly? Take a linguistic journey through the sources to find the Jewish heart at the core of this concept.

4 A Heart to Know Recorded 09/01/2023

Along the path on our journey to the Kingdom, we must acquire knowledge. In this lesson we learn about the Jewish concept of knowledge, what it means to know God, and the steps involved in gaining knowledge.

5 The Battle Within Recorded 10/13/2023

In this continuation of the Pitchei Olam series, we will discuss the meaning of "self-control." A battle rages within every person. Our enemy, the evil inclination, wants to strip us of the image of God and turn us into any other animal. Learn how to seize control of the battlefield within your own heart and achieve your purpose to establish God's kingdom on earth.

6 Perseverance: Putting Suffering into Perspective Recorded 12/15/2023

Continuing the Entrance to the Eternal Kingdom series, we learn the importance of perseverance for achieving the mission for which your soul was created.

7 It’s Not Enough to Be a Tzaddik Recorded 02/09/2024

Yeshua How can our righteousness exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees? Learn how the principle of chasidut enables one to enter the kingdom.

8 We Are Family Recorded 05/24/2024

It is important for us to improve ourselves personally, but to reach the kingdom, we have to grow closer as a community. Learn about the character trait of brotherly love as a step on the path to redemption.

9 Love Disrupts the Norm Recorded 06/16/2024

In this final installment of the Entrance to the Eternal Kingdom series, we look at the purpose of creation: love of God. Learn what it means to love God and how to cultivate this love.

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