Messianic Audio Teachings | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue | Messianic Jewish synagogue near Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN

Messianic Audio Teachings

Recorded 03/06/2021 • Posted 03/05/2021
Number 2 in the series Ephesians

Lesson two in our read-thru of Ephesians. If we understood the full implication of our salvation through Yeshua, we would not be concerned with status, prestige, social class or caste, nationality or ancestry, because the exaltatio of Messiah transcends all of that.

Recorded 02/26/2021 • Posted 02/26/2021
Number 1 in the series Ephesians

A  reading of Ephesians 1 focusing on the pronouns reveals a new persepctive on Paul's message to the Gentile community of Ephesus. 

Recorded 02/19/2021 • Posted 02/19/2021

If salvation is not intended to get us into heaven, what's the point? This teaching introduces the concept of the exile of God' Dwelling Presence, and the objective of the commandment to build a sanctuary. 

Recorded 02/12/2021 • Posted 02/12/2021

Taking a fresh look at salvation of the soul from the Jewish perspective reveals a completely different way of understanding the teaching of Yeshua and the message of the apostles. 

Recorded 01/30/2021 • Posted 01/29/2021

What does "salvation" mean? This teaching introduces the broad range of ways the Bible uses the term salvation and considers problems with the conventional definition of the term among believers. 

Recorded 01/22/2021 • Posted 01/22/2021

If we are living in the birth pangs of the Messiah, when will the Messiah arrive? A look at the story of the exodus from Egypt provides a clue and insights into salvation and redemption. 

Recorded 01/22/2021 • Posted 01/22/2021

"A Mixed Multitude went up with them" (Exodus 12:38). Who is the mixed multitude that went up with Israel out of Egypt? This teaching looks into the identity of the Gentiles in the Exodus, but goes further, to explore the concept of mixed spaces in the Torah and the Kingdom. 

Recorded 01/16/2021 • Posted 01/15/2021

How many agnostics does it take to change a light bulb? There's really no sure way to know for sure. Here's a teaching about agnosticism, the hardening of Pharaoh's heart, and the effects of revelation.

Recorded 12/25/2020 • Posted 12/25/2020
Number 7 in the series Walking with God

Judaism’s doctrine of God’s theodicy says that nothing happens outside of God’s will, yet at the same time, Judaism teaches that men have free will to choose wrong or right, and that God will punish them for their misdeeds. How does that work?

Recorded 12/19/2020 • Posted 12/18/2020
Number 6 in the series Walking with God

Joseph's life reveals key principles for trusting God. This teaching about the virtue of bitachon (trust) draws on the story of Joseph's revearsal of fortune to illustrate the concept of the concealed good behind this world.  

Recorded 12/12/2020 • Posted 12/11/2020
Number 5 in the series Walking with God

"How could I sin againt God," Joseph asks. This teaching zooms in on Joseph's God-centered optimistic persepctive and emphazises "bitachon," the art of trusting God for the good as we learn to walk with God. 

Recorded 11/14/2020 • Posted 11/13/2020
Number 4 in the series Walking with God

The custom of eulogizing the deceased begins in this Torah portion when Abraham offers a eulogy over his beloved wife. This teaching reminds us why life is precious. Includes the eulogy Pastor Lancaster presented at the memorial service for his father, Robert George Lancaster (1925-2020).


Recorded 11/06/2020 • Posted 11/06/2020
Number 3 in the series Walking with God

How do you walk with God when life gets in the way. Learn from your father Abraham and discover the simple secret of keeping your connection with God.  

Recorded 11/05/2020 • Posted 11/05/2020

An audio-book version of Brother Lawrence's seventeenth-century classic devotional, The Practice of the Presence of God. This audio-book project, read by D. Thomas Lancaster, will be updated as more chapters are added. Check back to this page for more content.

Recorded 10/24/2020 • Posted 10/23/2020
Number 1 in the series Walking with God

The Torah says that "Noah walked with God." What does that mean? Obviously it's not literal, so how does one "walk with God"? This teaching kicks off a new series titled "Walking with God."


Recorded 10/03/2020 • Posted 10/09/2020

A new Sukkot teaching about how the mitzvah to rejoice during the festival of Sukkot opens the secret to inner joy and the spirit of the Messianic Era. 

Recorded 09/27/2020 • Posted 09/27/2020

A story from the top of Jabal Muntar, the "Mount of the Watchman" where the Yom Kippur ceremony with the Azazel goat was carried out. 

Recorded 09/19/2020 • Posted 09/17/2020

A teaching for Rosh Hashanah 5781 based upon Psalm 130 and the birth pangs of the Messiah.

Watch the video blog year in review here. Download the prayer, "Little Sister" below.

Recorded 09/11/2020 • Posted 09/11/2020

The month of Elul is a time of God's accessibility. But Tishrei is coming up: a season of evaluation and judgment. In this teaching, learn how the Selichot prayers will help you make the most of God's accessibility during Elul so that you arrive at the new year fully prepared to receive forgiveness, pardon, and atonement from God.

Recorded 09/05/2020 • Posted 09/04/2020

There is an island in the distance, and it is littered with the bones of the kings who have been deposed to that place before you. There is still time to do something about it. What will you do? A teaching for the season of repentance.


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