Messianic Audio Teachings | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue | Messianic Jewish synagogue near Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN

Messianic Audio Teachings

Recorded 05/17/2021 • Posted 05/21/2021
Number 10 in the series Ephesians

In this teaching from Ephesians, we take a tour through the book of Acts to discover how the Gift of the Holy Spirit was transmitted through the disciples of Yeshua, through the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, teachers, pastors, who first received it during the outpouring that took place on Shavuot. 

Recorded 05/15/2021 • Posted 05/14/2021
Number 9 in the series Ephesians

"And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers," It's commonly taught that Ephesians 4:11 presents fivefold gifts of ministry for leadership and service in a congregation. But is that really what it means? A post-supersessionist perspective on the passage comes to a completely different conclusion. 

Recorded 05/08/2021 • Posted 05/07/2021
Number 8 in the series Ephesians

An obscure Midrash about Moses is concealed behind Paul's cryptic allusion to Psalm 68 in Ephesians 4:9-10. Here's an apostolic teaching about the ascension of the Messiah which likens it to Moses ascended Mount Sinai. 


Recorded 04/24/2021 • Posted 05/04/2021

"Why being born a Gentile is the most fantastic and amazing thing that ever happened to you." Yisroel Amic draws together themes from several different recent Beth Immanuel teachings to offer counsel for the non-Jews struggling to find their place in the Messianic Jewish synagogue.

Recorded 04/30/2021 • Posted 04/30/2021
Number 7 in the series Ephesians

How does a disciple of Yeshua live? Here's a quick introduction to the rules of mussar for the disciples of Yeshua as presented in the fourth chapter of the Epistle to the Ephesians. In this teaching, we do a quick read-thru of the entire chapter, commenting along the way about the difference between the old life and the new life in Messiah. 

Recorded 04/23/2021 • Posted 04/23/2021
Number 6 in the series Ephesians

There's deep Jewish mysticism at work in apostolic theology. In this teaching from Ephesians 3, Paul invites us for a swim in deep waters  as he attempts to persuade the Gentile disciples in Ephesus to see themselves as more than "just Gentiles." 

Recorded 04/10/2021 • Posted 04/16/2021
Number 5 in the series Ephesians

What does it mean to be a "fellow heir" with Israel and part of "the commonwealth of Israel"? There's a right way and a wrong way to interpret Paul's analogies. We've tried the wrong way before. Let's try the right way. Take a trip through Ephesians 3:1-13 to uncover the "Mystery of Christ" which was "hidden in God" for ages past. 

Recorded 04/02/2021 • Posted 04/02/2021
Number 4 in the series Ephesians

What is God's purpose in saving you? Turns out that God had a plan all along. The Passover story and the good news of the kingdom contain God's plan for universal domination, a plan in which the nations play a critical part. The "mystery of the gospel" and the "eternal purpose of God" presented in Ephesians 3 reveal the meaning of the redemption and the significance of the Gentile disciples in the whole plan. 

Recorded 03/12/2021 • Posted 03/12/2021
Number 3 in the series Ephesians

Christ has "abolished in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility" and "the law of commandments expressed in ordinances" in order to make Jew and Gentile into "one new man" built together into a "holy temple ... a dwelling place for God." There's a lot of room for misunderstanding Ephesians 2:14-15. Here's a teaching to clear it up and make sense of the passage without falling into the predictable patterns of Replacement Theology.

Recorded 03/06/2021 • Posted 03/05/2021
Number 2 in the series Ephesians

Lesson two in our read-thru of Ephesians. If we understood the full implication of our salvation through Yeshua, we would not be concerned with status, prestige, social class or caste, nationality or ancestry, because the exaltatio of Messiah transcends all of that.

Recorded 02/26/2021 • Posted 02/26/2021
Number 1 in the series Ephesians

A  reading of Ephesians 1 focusing on the pronouns reveals a new persepctive on Paul's message to the Gentile community of Ephesus. 

Recorded 02/19/2021 • Posted 02/19/2021

If salvation is not intended to get us into heaven, what's the point? This teaching introduces the concept of the exile of God' Dwelling Presence, and the objective of the commandment to build a sanctuary. 

Recorded 02/12/2021 • Posted 02/12/2021

Taking a fresh look at salvation of the soul from the Jewish perspective reveals a completely different way of understanding the teaching of Yeshua and the message of the apostles. 

Recorded 01/30/2021 • Posted 01/29/2021

What does "salvation" mean? This teaching introduces the broad range of ways the Bible uses the term salvation and considers problems with the conventional definition of the term among believers. 

Recorded 01/22/2021 • Posted 01/22/2021

If we are living in the birth pangs of the Messiah, when will the Messiah arrive? A look at the story of the exodus from Egypt provides a clue and insights into salvation and redemption. 

Recorded 01/22/2021 • Posted 01/22/2021

"A Mixed Multitude went up with them" (Exodus 12:38). Who is the mixed multitude that went up with Israel out of Egypt? This teaching looks into the identity of the Gentiles in the Exodus, but goes further, to explore the concept of mixed spaces in the Torah and the Kingdom. 

Recorded 01/16/2021 • Posted 01/15/2021

How many agnostics does it take to change a light bulb? There's really no sure way to know for sure. Here's a teaching about agnosticism, the hardening of Pharaoh's heart, and the effects of revelation.

Recorded 01/08/2021 • Posted 01/08/2021

What's happening to the United States of America? Here's a teaching about the political divide, the change in presidential administrations, and the first Torah reading from the Book of Exodus. 

Recorded 12/25/2020 • Posted 12/25/2020
Number 7 in the series Walking with God

Judaism’s doctrine of God’s theodicy says that nothing happens outside of God’s will, yet at the same time, Judaism teaches that men have free will to choose wrong or right, and that God will punish them for their misdeeds. How does that work?

Recorded 12/19/2020 • Posted 12/18/2020
Number 6 in the series Walking with God

Joseph's life reveals key principles for trusting God. This teaching about the virtue of bitachon (trust) draws on the story of Joseph's revearsal of fortune to illustrate the concept of the concealed good behind this world.  


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