Messianic Audio Teachings | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue | Messianic Jewish synagogue near Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN

Messianic Audio Teachings

Recorded 04/24/2010 • Posted 07/13/2018
Number 19 in the series Galatians

In Messiah, "there is neither Jew nor Greek," so that makes us all the same? Wrong! When Paul declares that there is no difference between Jew and Gentile in Messiah, he does not mean to imply that Jews and Gentiles forfeit their unique roles and identities. This important teaching compares "One New Man Theology" and "One Law Theology," revealing them to be two sides of the same coin of replacement theology.

One Law is the end of Jewish identity for Jewish believers. In its place comes a new pseudo-Jewish/Gentile identity in which differentiation between the two vanishes. 

Recorded 04/17/2010 • Posted 07/13/2018
Number 18 in the series Galatians

"We were held captive under the law ... imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed ... but now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian" (Galatians 3:23-26). This difficult saying is understood to mean, "The Torah was only a guardian until faith in Messiah came, but now that the Messiah is here, we are no longer under the Torah's authority, therefore the Torah has been done away with." This teaching takes a look at Paul's analogy in which the Torah and Jewish status is compared to a paidagogos, a guardian-slave entrusted with the care and supervision of a child. 

Recorded 04/24/2010 • Posted 07/13/2018
Number 17 in the series Galatians

How long were the children of Israel in Egypt? Was it 430years? If so, how do we account for 430 years over only three generations? In Galatians 3, Paul employs a rabbinic tradition about the duration of Israel's sojourn in Egypt, interprets the "seed of Abraham" as a reference to Messiah, and compares the Torah to a competing inheritance document.

Recorded 06/27/2018 • Posted 07/12/2018
Number 2 in the series Mussar of Mashiach

Humility is one of the primary qualities of the soul emphasized by our Master Yeshua. The mussar teachers say that humility is the root of divine service, and a necessary foundation for acquiring any other good traits. While humility is often discussed, it is not always well understood. Learn how true humility leads to joy, courage, and inner dignity.

Recorded 03/06/2010 • Posted 06/28/2018
Number 16 in the series Galatians

What does it mean that Messiah has become a curse? Paul says, "Messiah redeemed us from the curse of the Torah by becoming a curse for us" (Galatians 3:13). Paul reinvents a popular anti-Yeshua taunt derived from Deuteronomy 21:22-23 to argue that the Messiah's suffering and death releases those who rely upon him from the cruse of the Torah. 

Recorded 02/27/2010 • Posted 06/27/2018
Number 15 in the series Galatians

Paul says, "The Torah is not faith." This seems to imply that, if you want to be a person of faith, the one thing you chould not do is observe the Torah. Does this make sense? In Galatians 3:11-12, Paul quotes Leviticus 18:5 and Habakkuk 2:4 in a manner consistent with rabbinic interpretation to establish that it is not the hearers of the Torah who will be declared righteous but the doers of the Torah. 

Recorded 02/20/2010 • Posted 06/25/2018
Number 14 in the series Galatians

Has anyone ever warned you that you might be placing yourself under a curse by keeping the Torah? Paul says, "As many as are of the works of the law are under the curse" (Galatians 3:10). What's the "curse of the law" and how does it apply? 

Recorded 07/01/2017 • Posted 06/22/2018

God's concealed miracles are with us every day, but he desires to reveal them to us. In the future, everything that has been concealed with be revealed. A story in Midrash Tanchuma from Parashat Chukkat illustrates the concept of God's hidden miracles that are constantly with us.

Recorded 02/11/2010 • Posted 06/22/2018
Number 13 in the series Galatians

Were the Old Testament saints saved? Did they know the Gospel? After all, the Bible says that "Scripture ... preached the Gospel beforehand to Abraham" (Galatians 3:8). This teaching, with reference to the ingrafting of the Gentiles in Romans 11, reveals the "gospel reached beforehand to Abraham" to be identical to "Paul's Gospel." 

Recorded 02/06/2010 • Posted 06/08/2018
Number 12 in the series Galatians

Have you ever heard of faith versus works? The theological argument about whether God saves a person by grace alone or if a person's obedience and good works are a necessary part of the equation is old as the New Testament itself. This teaching offers a resolution of the classic faith-versus-works debate through exploring Paul's theology of justification for the circumcised and the uncircumcised. 

Order the book, Holy Epistle to the Galatians.

Recorded 01/24/2010 • Posted 06/06/2018
Number 11 in the series Galatians

Have you been "bewitched" by legalism, as Paul says: "O foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you" (Galatians 3:1)? This teaching offers a look at how Paul seemingly contrasts the Spirit with the Torah in first verses of Galatians 3.

Recorded 01/17/2010 • Posted 06/06/2018
Number 10 in the series Galatians

Paul says, "Through the Law I Died to the Law." What is that supposed to mean? Take a look at the mystical implications of Paul's death to the law as a death to relying on Jewish identity for salvation. 

Recorded 12/22/2009 • Posted 06/05/2018
Number 9 in the series Galatians

Evangelicals often point out that we are saved by grace, not by works, but most people do not have a clear idea of what the Bible means when speaking of the "works of the law." This teaching from Galatians offers an exploration of the terms "justification," "works of the law," and "faith in Jesus Christ" as employed in the Pauline Epistles.

Recorded 12/15/2009 • Posted 06/04/2018
Number 8 in the series Galatians

Did Paul really rebuke Peter "to his face"? In Galatians 2:11-14, Paul recounts how Peter, on his visit to Antioch, separated from the God-fearing Gentile believers and incurred Paul's sound rebuke. Get the story behind the story. 

Recorded 06/04/2018 • Posted 06/04/2018
Number 1 in the series Mussar of Mashiach

In this lesson, we take a first look at the idea of Mussar and the overall message of Yeshua. What is our purpose as followers of Messiah, and how does Mussar help us accomplish this purpose?

Recorded 12/05/2009 • Posted 05/24/2018
Number 7 in the series Galatians

For the last eighteen hundred years, the church has triumphantly declared that the gospel has cancelled the Torah and that Gentile Christians have replaced the Jewish people. Those dogmas stem from a failture to understand the distinction between Peter's apostleship and Paul's apostleship. As the apostles endorse Paul and send him out as the "apostle to the Gentiles," they do so with one caveat: "Remember the poor ones!" Find out the surprising meaning behind that single instruction. 

Recorded 11/21/2009 • Posted 05/23/2018
Number 6 in the series Galatians

Paul complains that "false brothers secretly brought in ... slipped in to spy out our freedom ... so that they might bring us into slavery" (Galatians 2:4). Who are these false brothers? In what sense are they false? In what sense had they been secretly brought in? What was the freedom in Messiah on which they were spying? These and more questions are answered as Paul brings Titus to a meeting with three top-ranking apostles to seek an endorsement for his gospel to the Gentiles.

Recorded 11/14/2009 • Posted 05/23/2018
Number 5 in the series Galatians

Was Paul a  Lone Ranger and John Wayne type of apostle who heard directly from God, or did he honor higher authorities? In this episode, Paul goes up to Jerusalem to submit his gospel of Gentile inclusion to the authority of the apostles, fearing that he may have been running his race in vain. 

"I set before them (though privately before those who seemed influential) the gospel that I proclaim among the Gentiles, in order to make sure that I was not running or had run in vain." (Galatians 2:2)

Recorded 11/07/2009 • Posted 05/16/2018
Number 4 in the series Galatians

Does Galatians 2 contain an alternate version of events at the Acts 15 Jerusalem Council. Many scholars think so, but a careful look at the story in the book of Acts suggests otherwise. After an absense of more than a decade, Paul journeys to jerusalem in the company of Barnabas and Titus with a collection for famine relief. 

Recorded 10/31/2009 • Posted 05/15/2018
Number 3 in the series Galatians

What is "Paul's Gospel" and what makes it different than everyone else's Gospel? This third installment offers a summary of Paul's autobiography as presented in Galatians 1:11-24, in which he describes his revelation from Heaven and his divine commission to preach the gospel to the Gentiles.


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