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Shavuot Conference
Beth Immanuel is hosting the annual First Fruits of Zion Shavuot Conference May 30-June 5, 2014. This years event features three distinct segments: Shabbaton; Eyes on Zion; The Sinai Ethic. Special Guest Speaker UMJC General Secretary Russ Resnik will present on Shavuot day.
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Conference Events
Sabbath Table Shabbaton : May 30-31, 2014
We will host Friday night and Shabbat meals with afternoon teachings, concluding with Havdalah. This event will celebrate the formal release of The Sabbath Table: Prayers, Blessings, and Songs for the Sabbath, a new book and liturgical resource from Vine of David. The teachings throughout the day will focus on the significance of the Sabbath—historically, practically, and prophetically. We will incorporate various Sabbath-related times of learning, singing, rejoicing, and training.
The Sabbath is a sign of Israel’s covenant with God and a token of the future Messianic Kingdom. Learning to better celebrate the Sabbath today prepares us for our kingdom destiny. As Isaiah says, in the future kingdom, all mankind will worship the LORD from Sabbath to Sabbath (Isaiah 66:23). The Shabbaton affirms the joy and underscores the value of the Sabbath while teaching us practical steps to better honor the Sabbath, both as individuals and in a community context.
Eyes on Zion : June 1-3, 2014
Israel is still the geographical center of the spiritual world. The “Eyes on Zion” conference will focus on the land of Israel, the people of Israel, and the prophetic redemption of Zion. Learn how true, spiritual Zionism looks toward the future kingdom while acknowledging the miracles and prophetic fulfillments that God has already accomplished in the formation of the modern state of Israel. Discover how the Holy Land is God’s testing ground for faith and the center of the Messianic Jewish movement. These teachings, based firmly on Messianic Jewish eschatology, will challenge conventional ideas about the people, the land, and the modern state of Israel.
Shavu’ot: The Sinai Ethic : June 3-5, 2014
Come and celebrate Shavu’ot, the anniversary of the giving of the Torah and the pouring out of the Spirit, with a full Messianic synagogue service, powerful teachings, and festival meals. You will experience Shavu’ot in a holy, deeply spiritual, and reverent manner. Listen to the Ten Commandments read from the Torah scroll in Hebrew and connect with the people of God who heard those words at Sinai. Assemble with other believers like the first community of disciples that gathered in Acts 2 to keep the festival. Our teachings throughout these days will focus on the moral and ethical mandates that the giving of the Torah established for the Jewish people and all nations.