Resurrection Seder | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

Resurrection Seder

Our Passover Resurrection celebration is going to be very special this year. Ordinarily we conduct a resurrection service and late-night resurrection banquet on the Saturday night of Shabbat Chol HaMo’ed. This year that night coincides with the second night of Passover, transforming our banquet into a full Seder meal. 

There will be no candlelight resurrection service. Instead, we will host a Resurrection Seder Meal beginning at 9:00 PM, Saturday, April 23. The Seder will conclude well after midnight.

If you would like to attend this special Resurrection Seder Meal event, you must reserve tickets in advance.

You can use our contact form to reserve tickets. Please RSVP by Sunday, April 10th. When you RSVP, please specify how many people will be in your party and from what age group.

Suggested Donation for Tickets: $20.00 Adult; $12.00 12 and under; $60.00 family rate

Special Note: Meal does not include table wine. Participants desiring to use wine instead of juice for the four cups should bring their own kosher-for-Passover table wine.

Saturday, April 23, 2016 - 9:00pm to Sunday, April 24, 2016 - 8:45pm

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