Kislev Hanukkah Newsletter 5777 | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue | Messianic Jewish synagogue near Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN

Kislev Hanukkah Newsletter 5777

Kislev 5777

I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. (John 8:12)

Happy Hanukkah and happy new year from everyone at Beth Immanuel in beautiful, snow-covered Hudson, Wisconsin. We have a lot of news for the end of year.

12-21 Hanukkah Shabbaton

This Hannukah, a few dozen youth and young adults from Beth Immanuel and from Messianic communities around the country will be coming together for a First Fruits of Zion mini-seminar on miracles, followed by a special Hanukkah Shabbaton. Read about the details here.

Hanukkah Party 

Celebrate the eighth night of Hanukkah and the civil new year with us on December 31, 2016. This year at Hanukkah, we will celebrate fourteen years since our first services during the Hanukkah of 2002. Join the fun at our annual Hanukkah party. Click here for your invitation.

Hanukkah Audio

Looking for teaching about Hanukkah? Here are two teachings pulled up out of the Genizah and dusted off. Learn about the Light of the Hanukkah Menorah, and the Eight Days of Hanukkah.

Daily Study

Get into the habit of daily study in the Torah, the Psalms, and the Gospels. Follow along with the daily readings at . We read one aliyah from the Torah portion, the daily psalms according to the monthly schedule, and one chapter of Gospel each day. It's a great way to stay in the Word. Works on your hand-held devices as a web-based ap.

The Three Campaigns

As the year 2016 comes to a conclusion, we are happy to announce the early successes of our three campaigns for 2015-2016.

Come Home to Hudson: Several new families have relocated to Hudson in the last twelve months, and more Messianic believers are on the way. Oneg Shabbat: Last Torah cycle, we completed a year of lessons about the Sabbath, and Pastor Lancaster released his book From Sabbath to Sabbath. Messianic Bible School: First Fruits of Zion hopes to begin taking students for the 12-21 Gap Year Program in fall of 2018, and Beth Immanuel is a potential campus for the classes. We have had a strong start, and 2017 will bring development in all three endeavors. All three campaigns need your help and participation. Help us accomplish this great work. Promote the campaigns to your friends and family as we release the details, and support Beth Immanuel financially in these kingdom-building endeavors.

A Roof Over our Heads

Earlier this year, water damage to the flat roof over our front entry necessitated its removal. We now have a plan to replace the damaged roof with a gabled awning which will extend into the parking lot to create a carport. We hope do the work ourselves with Beth Immanuel volunteers, but we need to raise $10,000.00 to pay for the materials. Participate in the project with a generous year-end donation to Beth Immanuel designated for the roof.

Chairs of Elijah

Our antiquated chairlifts, now more than three decades old, failed to pass a state elevator inspection and must be repaired or replaced. The chairlifts make it possible for the disabled and those who struggle climbing steps to access our synagogue and participate at Beth Immanuel. Elevate yourself and others by giving a generous year-end donation to Beth Immanuel designated for chairlifts.

Apocalypse of John

Beth Immanuel Plugged In services take place on Wednesday nights. Join us every Wednesday at 7pm for music, a children's program, and Pastor Lancaster’s teachings on the book of Revelation.

End-of-Year Donation

Beth Immanuel is dedicated to advancing the message of the kingdom of heaven and teaching Messianic Judaism for all nations. Please remember to support the work of Beth Immanuel with a generous, tax-deductible, year-end contribution to the ministry of Beth Immanuel so that we may continue to shine our light.

Thank you to all of our donating congregants and virtual members for your donations in 2016. May the LORD remember all your gifts and regard all your offerings with favor. If you would like to support the ministry of Beth Immanuel, please click here to donate online or send a check to:

Beth Immanuel
P.O.Box 562
Hudson, WI 54016-0562

Your donation is tax-deductible. Thank you!


Visit Our Messianic Synagogue

Beth Immanuel is a friendly and welcoming community. Click here to learn what to expect when you visit.

Join us as we enthrone the God of Israel with praise and uplift the name of Yeshua the Messiah!

Our Messianic Synagogue is located in historic Hudson, Wisconsin, just minutes away from St. Paul, Minnesota.

We always welcome visitors, but special events and holidays are wonderful times to visit.

Messianic Jewish Teaching

Download and listen to uplifting and insightful teachings presented by D. T. Lancaster and special guests.

Read and study teachings and Bible studies from a Messianic Jewish perspective on a variety of topics.

Grow and learn daily through interactive video lessons from a variety of teachers.