Beth Immanuel Elul News 5776 | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue | Messianic Jewish synagogue near Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN

Beth Immanuel Elul News 5776

Shalom Beth Immanuel community and virtual congregation,

The month of Elul has begun, and along with it, the season of repentance. Time to issue apologies, repair relationships, and work on improving in our service of Hashem. May we all be found to be clothed in the merit and virtue of our righteous Messiah, may he come speedily, soon and in our lifetimes. May we merit to hear his shofar soon.

From Rosh Chodesh Elul until Yom Kippur, we concentrate on repentance, charity, and prayer in anticipation of the coming judgment. On Elul 1, Beth Immanuel held a special Rosh Chodesh morning service featuring the blowing of the shofar as a reminder of the impending holidays and the call to repentance.

Three Habits

Pastor Lancaster began the forty days with a teaching delivered to Beth Immanuel regarding the power of habit to shape human behavior and three simple habits for every Beth Immanuelite to learn.

  • Daily Prayer and Study
  • Daily Acts of Charity
  • Regular Attendance at the Assembly

Listen to the teaching titled “Three Habits.”

To help encourage the habit of daily study, offers you an online study guide with readings from the weekly Torah portion, the daily Psalms, and one chapter from the Gospels. The Torah portion divides into seven readings (corresponding to the seven Shabbat aliyot). By reading one section a day, you will finish the whole Torah portion each week. By reading the daily Psalms, you will complete the whole book of Pslams once a month. You can read the Torah Portion and Psalms in English or Hebrew. By reading the daily chapter from the Gospels, you will complete all four Gospels four times a year. This new web-feature functions on your desktop computer or handheld devices:

Beth Immanuel Torah School Expands

We are very excited to announce that we will be expanding the Beth Immanuel Torah School (BITS) for the 2016-2017 school year. We will be offering two distinct classes to better serve the educational and developmental needs of the students, beginning Sunday, September 11, weekly at 10am.

  • Class One: The 5-9 Year-Old Class will focus on learning the weekly parsha with an emphasis on learning through storytelling, play and song.
  • Class Two: The 10-15 Year Old Class will be learning to read and understand basic Biblical Hebrew and studying the Gospels using Chronicles of the Messiah and the Delitzsch Hebrew Gospels.

Registration is open to the whole Messianic community. For information about fees and registration, or to learn more, please contact us.

Holidays at Beth Immanuel

It’s time to get ready for the fall holidays. Plan on attending the fall festivals at Beth Immanuel this fall. You can find the complete schedule online here. Fall Festivals.

  • Erev Rosh Hashanah October 2
  • Rosh Hashanah Day One October 3
  • Rosh Hashanah Day Two October 4
  • Erev Yom Kippur October 11
  • Yom Kippur October 12
  • First Night of Sukkot October 23
  • Sukkot Yom Tov Day One October 24
  • Sukkot Shabbat Chol HaMoed October 22
  • Hoshanah Rabbah October 23
  • Shimini Atzeret / Erev Simchat Torah October 24
  • Simchat Torah October 25

For a complete schedule of our services, download the PDF here.

The Erev Rosh HaShanah meal on Sunday October 2 will be a ticketed event: $15.00 per adult, $45.00 max for family, kids 12 and under are free. To obtain tickets, you must RSVP by submitting an email to Beth Immanuel.

Revelation and Plugged In

We moved the Wednesday Night, Beth Immanuel Plugged In Services into the more intimate setting of our Green Room and Library. Every Wednesday night you can enjoy a night of conventional Christian praise and worship, a teaching from Pastor Lancaster, and a children’s Bible program. We are currently studying the book of Revelation. Catch up with a quick recap of the series so far in the new teaching: Vision for a Time of Tribulation.

You can listen to the first twenty teachings from the series of Revelation Here.

Hearing Aid T-Coil Loop

Beth Immanuel employs a hearing aid telecoil loop which broadcasts directly to compatible hearing aids. Visit to learn about how to use this option when visiting Beth Immanuel. (This feature only functions when a teacher is using the microphone.)

Beginners Shabbat Service

Our first “Beginners’ Shabbat Service” went well. Even long-time Beth Immanuelites appreciated the instructions and explanations of synagogue liturgy and choreography. Our next "Beginners' Shabbat Service" will be on Saturday, September 24, starting at 10:00 AM.  We will be slowing down the prayers, reducing the number of prayers, and offering explanations and English translations as we go. It's a great way to learn the ropes of how to navigate a synagogue service. 

Prayer Requests

You can submit your prayer requests to the prayer team by sending a short email to at prayer-team@ or by filling out a prayer request at the contact page.

Support Beth Immanuel

Thank you to all of our donors and virtual members of Beth Immanuel. Thank you for sharing our vision for Messianic Judaism for all Nations and the message of the Kingdom of Heaven. Please continue to sustain the work of Beth Immanuel with a regular monthly contribution or a one-time gift. Donations to Beth Immanuel are tax-deductible. Please donate online or send a check to:
Beth Immanuel
P.O. Box 562
Hudson, WI 54016-0562
The Beth Immanuel Elders


Visit Our Messianic Synagogue

Beth Immanuel is a friendly and welcoming community. Click here to learn what to expect when you visit.

Join us as we enthrone the God of Israel with praise and uplift the name of Yeshua the Messiah!

Our Messianic Synagogue is located in historic Hudson, Wisconsin, just minutes away from St. Paul, Minnesota.

We always welcome visitors, but special events and holidays are wonderful times to visit.

Messianic Jewish Teaching

Download and listen to uplifting and insightful teachings presented by D. T. Lancaster and special guests.

Read and study teachings and Bible studies from a Messianic Jewish perspective on a variety of topics.

Grow and learn daily through interactive video lessons from a variety of teachers.