Ten Principles of the Faith of the Hebrew Christian Church | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

Ten Principles of the Faith of the Hebrew Christian Church

by Rev. Paul P. Levertoff

  • I believe in God the Father, Creator of Heaven and Earth, the Covenant God of Israel, from Whom and to Whom are all things.
  • I believe that God, Who spake in sundry times and in divers manners in time past to the fathers through the Prophets, Who is from everlasting to everlasting, more wonderful in His perfection than all we can ever desire or know, promised to redeem the world from sin and death, and fill it with the glory of His light, in and through His Anointed, Who would be a light to lighten the Gentiles and the glory of His people Israel.
  • I believe that in the fulness of time God fulfilled His promise, and sent forth His Son, His everlasting Word, Jesus, Who was born, by the power of the Holy Spirit, of the Virgin Mary, of the seed of David, and in Him the Word was made Flesh and dwelt among us as the Son of Man, full of grace and truth.
  • I believe that Jesus the Messiah, is in very truth the Shekinah, the brightness of the Father’s glory and the very impress of His Person, and that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
  • I believe that He was made unto us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification; and that by His Life, Death on the Cross, and glorious Resurrection, He has accomplished our reconciliation with the Father.
  • I believe that when He ascended into Heaven, the Messiah did not leave us comfortless, but, according to His promise, has sent us the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, proceeding from the Father through the Son, to be with us, to give us the assurance of forgiveness of sin, an ever clearer understanding of Himself, and to lead us into the fulness of truth, which is the more abundant life.
  • I believe that the Holy Spirit, Who raised up Jesus from the dead, and Who beareth witness with our spirits that we are sons of God, will also quicken our mortal bodies in the Resurrection.
  • I believe that the Church of the Messiah is the family of God in Heaven and on Earth, the Sanctuary of the redeemed, Jews and Gentiles, in which God dwells.
  • I believe that God did not cast off His ancient people, but that there is ever in the midst of them a remnant elected by Grace.
  • I believe that it is the will of the Lord, Who has graciously called us into the number of His Covenant people, that we should strive to be His witnesses among Jews and Gentiles, until His coming again in Glory.

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