2 Corinthians 5 | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

2 Corinthians 5

Judgment Seat of Christ

A teaching of Yom Kippur 5762 (2021) about the impact of the cross on how believers understand and celebrate Yom Kippur.

The Life Review (Cheshbon HaNefesh)

"My whole life flashed before my eyes!" In the World of Souls, everyone gives an account for all the deeds committed in the body. This teaching compares the Jewish concept of Cheshbon HaNefesh (Account of the Soul) with reports of Near Death Experiences in which a person goes through a complete life review.  

Whose Life Is It Anyway?

Your soul's purpose in this world is to serve God. That's why it was given a body. This purpose implies that there is a foundational commandment in the Torah that many of us may be neglecting.

The Book of Deeds

On Rosh Hashanah, the heavenly court opens The Book of Deeds in which every day of your life is recorded. Who wrote this book? How did your signature get in it? Listen to a teaching from Beth Immanuel's first day of Rosh Hashanah 5778 about a biography of your life--your autobiography--written in heaven.

Bread of Immortality

It's common in the Messianic Jewish movement to state that the leaven which must be cast out at Passover symbolizes sin, but a closer look at the New Testament indicates a different symbolism at work. This teaching considers the spiritual significance of chametz (leaven) and matzah (unleavened bread) in connection with the festival of Passover. 

Blood on the Doorposts

What does the death of the Messiah mean to you? What does it accomplish for us? This teaching takes a serious look into the meaning of Passover and being born again through Yeshua.

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