Deuteronomy 6 | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

Deuteronomy 6

Love Disrupts the Norm

In this final installment of the Entrance to the Eternal Kingdom series, we look at the purpose of creation: love of God. Learn what it means to love God and how to cultivate this love.

The Battle Within

In this continuation of the Pitchei Olam series, we will discuss the meaning of "self-control." A battle rages within every person. Our enemy, the evil inclination, wants to strip us of the image of God and turn us into any other animal. Learn how to seize control of the battlefield within your own heart and achieve your purpose to establish God's kingdom on earth.

Be Excellent

2 Peter 1:5 instructs us to add "virtue" or "excellence" to our faith. But what does that mean, exactly? Take a linguistic journey through the sources to find the Jewish heart at the core of this concept.

Open the Gates

The first commandment at Mount Sinai was "I am the LORD your God who took you out from Egypt, out of the house of slavery" (Exodus 20:2). Why did God introduce himself this way instead of as the God "who Created of the Universe"? In this lecture we will explore the meaning of implications of faith (emunah) as the foundation of our life's journey to the Kingdom.

Yeshua's Brothers

Israel may only appoint a king from among their brothers. That means that the Jewish people are brothers of Yeshua, our King Messiah. How well do you know Yeshua's brothers?

The Teaching of Yeshua

It's a disciple's job to learn the teaching of his rabbi. As a student in the school of Yeshua’s disciples, it’s important to know the subject matter you are studying and to understand the lesson the teacher presents. Before you agree to be immersed, you need to have at least a basic idea of what Yeshua was teaching. Listen to the audio and/or download the PDF version of the teaching below.

I Love Davening Together: Enriching Communal Prayer

There is a lot of richness and beauty to the Shabbat service and the traditional siddur. It can be a spiritually engaging and deep experience.

This lecture was delivered by one of our members at the UMJC Conference in Chicago in 2017.

Love of God

Loving God seems like should be easy. Unlike humans, he is perfect. There is also no doubt that he is worthy of our love. But there are serious challenges with carrying out the important commandment of loving God. In this class we learn how to overcome these challenges and what it takes to love our Creator.

Whose Life Is It Anyway?

Your soul's purpose in this world is to serve God. That's why it was given a body. This purpose implies that there is a foundational commandment in the Torah that many of us may be neglecting.

Three Habits

What if spiritual growth was automatic and godliness was simply a habitual behavior? What does it mean to have the Torah written on our hearts? This teaching for the forty days of Elul about aquiring three new habits to launch 5777, a year of transformation. This teaching challenges the listener along with the community of Beth Immanuel to learn to use the power of habitual behavior to good use for personal growth.

Get on track with daily readings from Torah, Psalms, and Gospels:

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Our Messianic Synagogue is located in historic Hudson, Wisconsin, just minutes away from St. Paul, Minnesota.

We always welcome visitors, but special events and holidays are wonderful times to visit.

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