Exodus 20 | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

Exodus 20

Reason 2: Teacher of Nations

The Torah is God's revelation to the world, but that revelation has gone out to the world only an account of the name of Yeshua of Nazareth.

Open the Gates

The first commandment at Mount Sinai was "I am the LORD your God who took you out from Egypt, out of the house of slavery" (Exodus 20:2). Why did God introduce himself this way instead of as the God "who Created of the Universe"? In this lecture we will explore the meaning of implications of faith (emunah) as the foundation of our life's journey to the Kingdom.

The Unbegotten God

Why can't we see God? Why is he concealed from us? Before becoming a disciple, it's a good idea to find out what we believe. Here's a quick study on the existence of God, his transcendence, and the nature of reality. Listen to the audio and/or download the PDF version of the teaching below.

What is Shabbat?

At Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue, we honor Shabbat (the sabbath) on Saturday, the seventh day of the week. Every week, individuals and families set aside the day to rest from regular weekday routines. We spend the day singing songs, studying Scripture, sharing meals, and enjoying fellowship.

Secret of the Seven Thunders

John sees an angel straddling land and sea with the small scroll open in his hand. He hears the voices of seven thunders speak to him from heaven. He eats a scroll that tastes like honey but turns his stomach sour. In this teaching, we unravel these riddles and more as we prepare for the seventh angel to sound the seventh trumpet.

Noach Noach

Did Noah keep the Sabbath? This simple question opens a discourse on the Sabbath in parashat Noach which explores the idea of Sabbatarianism before the flood and before Mount Sinai. The teachings covers a broad range of ideas related to the Sabbath including the concept of Shabbat Menuchah (Sabbath Rest), the Sabbath as a covenant sign, and discussion on the seven laws of Noah and the Sabbath day.

Enter My Rest

Three possible interpretations of Psalm 95:11 prepare us for understanding the discussion in Hebrews 3:7ff regarding the generation in the wilderness that did not enter into God's rest. An important preface to the Sabbath discussion of Hebrews 4.

Psalm 95:11 says, "Therefore I swore in my wrath, 'They shall not enter my rest.'" The Book of Hebrews quotes this verse and interprets it in three possible directions:

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Our Messianic Synagogue is located in historic Hudson, Wisconsin, just minutes away from St. Paul, Minnesota.

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