Isaiah 60 | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

Isaiah 60

Hanukkah from Alef to Tav

Hanukkah is more than a holiday of oil and light—it’s a story of resilience, faith, and miracles that shaped Jewish history and identity. What does it mean to kindle light in the darkest time of year, and why is this holiday deeply connected to the Messianic hope? Discover how the courage of the Maccabees parallels the journey of modern Messianic Jews reclaiming their heritage. Explore prophetic allusions to Hanukkah hidden in the Torah and New Testament. Join us to uncover how this ancient celebration inspires renewed dedication in every generation.

Lesser is Greater

Spiritual stature is measured in the inverse. Esau and Jacob reflect two opposite mindsets, and being “small” like Jacob is the key to personal and spiritual success.

The Half Shekel

What did Yeshua mean when he said that the "sons of the king" should be exempt from paying the half shekel? This teaching from Shabbat Shekelim explains both the custom of collecting the half-shekel on in the month of Adar and the Master's cryptic remark in Matthew 17. This is an exclusive Member Audio.

New Jerusalem

New Jerusalem is the capital city of the World to Come. What's the relationship between this world and the World to Come? What's the difference between Messianic Jerusalem and New Jerusalem? And why is there no Temple in New Jerusalem? Listen to a quick-paced run through Revelation 21 and take a taste of the World to Come.


Seven Weeks of Consolation - Week 6 - part 4

In the wake of the Three Weeks of destruction - marking the commemoration of the destruction of the city of Jerusalem, the Temple, and the exile of the Jewish people - the next seven weeks are weeks of comfort and consolation. In these seven weeks leading up to Rosh Hashana seven Haftorahs are read, all from the book of Isaiah, relating comfort and consolation looking forward to the future redemption and Messianic Era.

Seven Weeks of Consolation - Week 6 - part 3

In the wake of the Three Weeks of destruction - marking the commemoration of the destruction of the city of Jerusalem, the Temple, and the exile of the Jewish people - the next seven weeks are weeks of comfort and consolation. In these seven weeks leading up to Rosh Hashana seven Haftorahs are read, all from the book of Isaiah, relating comfort and consolation looking forward to the future redemption and Messianic Era.

Seven Weeks of Consolation - Week 6 - part 2

In the wake of the Three Weeks of destruction - marking the commemoration of the destruction of the city of Jerusalem, the Temple, and the exile of the Jewish people - the next seven weeks are weeks of comfort and consolation. In these seven weeks leading up to Rosh Hashana seven Haftorahs are read, all from the book of Isaiah, relating comfort and consolation looking forward to the future redemption and Messianic Era.

Seven Weeks of Consolation - Week 6 - part 1

In the wake of the Three Weeks of destruction - marking the commemoration of the destruction of the city of Jerusalem, the Temple, and the exile of the Jewish people - the next seven weeks are weeks of comfort and consolation. In these seven weeks leading up to Rosh Hashana seven Haftorahs are read, all from the book of Isaiah, relating comfort and consolation looking forward to the future redemption and Messianic Era.

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