John 1 | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

John 1

Hanukkah from Alef to Tav

Hanukkah is more than a holiday of oil and light—it’s a story of resilience, faith, and miracles that shaped Jewish history and identity. What does it mean to kindle light in the darkest time of year, and why is this holiday deeply connected to the Messianic hope? Discover how the courage of the Maccabees parallels the journey of modern Messianic Jews reclaiming their heritage. Explore prophetic allusions to Hanukkah hidden in the Torah and New Testament. Join us to uncover how this ancient celebration inspires renewed dedication in every generation.

The Only Begotten Son

Why is Yeshua called "the only begotten Son"? What do we mean when we say that he is "the Son of God"? And how does his death on a cross provide forgiveness for sins? Here's a quick crash-course on Messianic Christology, that is to say, Messiahology. Listen to the audio and/or download the PDF version of the teaching below. 

Radiance of Glory

What role in the creation of all things did the Son play? From where did the apostles derive their high view of Messiah in His divinity? This teaching explores early apsotolic mysticism. Take a quick immersion into the Christology of the apostles and the writer of the book of Hebrews based on the prologue to the book of Hebrews.

...His Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature (Hebrews 1:2-3).

Is Jesus God?

Is Jesus God? Is God in three persons? Did a church council elect Jesus as God?

In his book, Twenty-Six Reasons Why Jews Don't Believe in Jesus, Asher Norman objects that Yeshua-faith violates Jewish monotheism. Is God One or is He three? How can we believe in a divine Messiah?

This class digs into the controversial world of Christology to reveal a Messianic Jewish perspective on the question of the deity of Yeshua and to illustrate how traditional dogma can alienate Jewish people from the Gospels. The sad story of Michael Servetus enters the conversation.

Visit Our Messianic Synagogue

Beth Immanuel is a friendly and welcoming community. Click here to learn what to expect when you visit.

Join us as we enthrone the God of Israel with praise and uplift the name of Yeshua the Messiah!

Our Messianic Synagogue is located in historic Hudson, Wisconsin, just minutes away from St. Paul, Minnesota.

We always welcome visitors, but special events and holidays are wonderful times to visit.

Messianic Jewish Teaching

Download and listen to uplifting and insightful teachings presented by D. T. Lancaster and special guests.

Read and study teachings and Bible studies from a Messianic Jewish perspective on a variety of topics.

Grow and learn daily through interactive video lessons from a variety of teachers.