John 5 | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

John 5

Believe in God Believe in Me

Yeshua says, "If you believed in Moses, you would believe in me." A closer look at this difficult saying of the Master unlocks John 5-6 with reference to the events of Exodus from Egypt: The Passover, the Seder Meal, the Crossing of the Sea, the Manna, and the Water from the Rock. 

The Voice of the Turtledove

Yeshua claims that he is the resurrection and the life. What does that mean, and do we really believe it? A teaching from the second day of Passover 2022 discusses the hope of the resurrection and the significance of Yeshua's claims. 

The Pool of Bethesda

Why is the healing of the man at the pool of Bethesda a sign, and why did Yeshua tell the man to break the Shabbat by carrying his mat? Take a trip to first century Jerusalem in the text of John 5. 

Passover: Prelude on the Mountain

More than three years had passed since Yeshua of Nazareth, the rabbi from Galilee, began to travel and teach about the imminent appearance of the Kingdom of Heaven. His message of repentance, faith in him, and charity to the downtrodden did not sit well with the political and religious figures he encountered. The Sadducees feared his messianic proclamations would gain strength and cause Rome to marshall its soldiers and place Judaea under even stricter control than the status quo.

The Keys of Death and Sheol

In the first chapter of the book of Revelation, the risen Yeshua appears and declares that he holds in his hand "the keys to death and Hades." What are these keys and from where did he acquire them? What do they unlock?

This teaching, presented on Erev Rosh HaShanah 5776, discusses the resurrection of the dead in relationship to the shofar of Rosh Hashanah.

The Final Judgment

After the resurrection of the dead comes the final judgment. According to Hebrews 6, the eternal judgment is one of the elementary principles of the Messiah, yet it is poorly understood among believers today. This teaching provides a quick synopsis of the subject.

The Resurrection of the Dead

What's the difference between the resurrection and going to heaven?

According to Hebrews 6:1-2, the resurrection of the dead is one of the six basic doctrines of Messianic faith. In this teaching, D. Thomas Lancaster takes a look at the apostolic hope in the resurrection, distinguishing between the resurrection of the righteous and the general resurrection. This is teaching number 25 in the Hebrews series and number 10 in special series on the elementary teachings of the Messiah.

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