Matthew 22 | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

Matthew 22

It’s Not Enough to Be a Tzaddik

Yeshua How can our righteousness exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees? Learn how the principle of chasidut enables one to enter the kingdom.

Love of God

Loving God seems like should be easy. Unlike humans, he is perfect. There is also no doubt that he is worthy of our love. But there are serious challenges with carrying out the important commandment of loving God. In this class we learn how to overcome these challenges and what it takes to love our Creator.

The Rule of Love

What does it mean that “the one who has loved another has fulfilled the Torah” (Romans 13:8). What commandments are incumbent upon a Gentile disciple? If the Gentile disciples are not “under the Torah,” then to what are they obligated? Paul addresses this question in Romans 13 and lays out some overarching principles and specific examples. This audio file, recorded in January of 2014, has poor quality audio but great content.

Wedding Supper of the Lamb

At the end of days, when King Messiah comes, there will be two sets of dinner invitations issued. You will want to RSVP for the right event, and make sure you aren't at the wrong one. This teaching on Revelation 19 issues an invitation to the wedding supper of the Lamb, takes us through the second coming of Messiah, and the exciting to conclusion to the first battle of Gog and Magog.

Repentance from Dead Works

Are "dead works" the "works of the Law"? Does the book of Hebrews tell us to repent from Torah observance when it speaks of "repentance from dead works."

What are the basic teachings of Messiah mentioned in Hebrews 6:1-3? Discover the meaning of repentance from dead works in this eighteenth installment of sermons on the epistle to the Hebrews.

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