Revelation 6 | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

Revelation 6

Passover in the Birth Pangs of Messiah

Signs of the times are mounting up during the Coronavirus epidemic. Are we in the birth pangs of the Messiah? Passover during the Coronavirus lockdowns urges us to engage with Messiah in joy and gratitude despite the end of the world. Here's a teaching to help you get the most of the Passover season this year while you wait for the arrival of Messiah. 

Seven Trumpets

When the seventh seal on the scroll is broken, heaven falls silent for half an hour. The prayers of the martyrs rise before God like incense. Seven angels take up seven trumpets, and with each blast of the trumpet, a new calamity falls upon the inhabitants of the earth. This teaching from the book of Revelation takes us through the first four trumpet blasts--a prelude to the three woes.


Vision for a Time of Tribulation

Are you ready for the coming tribulation? It's already here, and it has been underway for the last two thousand years. The four horsemen of the apocalypse have already ridden out; five of the seven seals on the scroll with seven seals have already been opened, and we are just about to see the opening of the sixth seal. Take a quick look at the first seven chapters of Revelation with this  season one recap of the Apocalypse of John.

The 144,000

Who are the 144,000 "servants of the Lord" in the book of Revelation, and what is their role? In the exciting season finale of the Apocalypse of John, we follow the story up to the brink of the opening of the seventh seal. This teaching focuses on a discusion of the 12,000 sealed from each of the twelve tribes of Israel.

And I heard the number of the sealed, 144,000, sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel. (Revelation 7:4)

The Mark of the LORD

The fifth seal opens and John sees the souls of those martyred "under the altar." The sixth seal is opened and "the sun became black as sackcloth, the full moon became like blood" (Revelation 6:12). With the sixth seal, the tribulation on the nations begins, but not before an angel marks 144,000 from Israel. Discover the meaning behind the mark with which the angel seals the 144,000.

The Four Horsemen

Have the four horsemen of the apocalypse already begun to ride through the earth? Who are the mysterious riders? Discover the identity of the rider on the white horse, and learn to listen for the approaching hoofbeats--the footsteps of Messiah.

Plagues of Egypt

The plagues on Egypt foreshadow a future coming time of tribulation when God will judge the whole earth, as he once judged Egypt. This time, judgment comes on all the nations, as God redeems his people from the nations. Just as the redemption from Egypt began with plagues, judgments, signs and wonders on the earth, likewise, the final redemption will be prefaced by the same types of omens, calamities, and judgments, which Christians refer to as “the tribulation” and Jews refer to as the “Birth Pains of Messiah,” leading up to the conflict of Armageddon, the great war of Gog and Magog.

The Last Blood Moon

The last blood moon in a series of four lunar eclipses, each falling on significant holy days, occurs on the first day of Sukkot 5776. Is it a sign from heaven? In this teaching from Beth Immanuel Plugged In, Pastor Lancaster sketches out an overview of the blood moon phenomenon and offers his own interpretation of the astronomical event.


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