apocalypse | Page 3 | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

More about apocalypse

What does it mean that Yeshua comes as a “thief in the night”? The assembly of disciples in Sardis had a false reputation for being alive. The angel of Yeshua warned them to wake up or face the unwelcome and unanticipated visit of the thief in the night. This teaching explores Revelation 3:1-6 with emphasis on piety and connection to God in the practice of our faith.

Revelation chapter two and the epistle to the assembly at Thyatira warns about a mysterious prophetess called Jezebel. Who is Jezebel of Thyatira, and what are the deep things of Satan which she taught? What does it mean to have a "Jezebel Spirit"? This teaching goes into the details of the Master's epistle to Thyatira, revealing a fascinating correlation to the Apostolic Decree in Acts 15.

The book of Revelation begins with seven epistles to seven churches. In this teaching, we work through Revelation 2:1-7, explaining the context and deriving practical applications from Yeshua's message to the assembly at Ephesus.

Who, or what, are the seven spirits of God? Who are the seven angels of the seven churches? The book of Revelation revolves around sevens: seven lamps, seven stars, seven spirits, seven churches, seven angels ... This teaching takes a plunge into first-century apostolic angelology to unravel the mystery of the seven spirits before the throne.

As for the mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand, and the seven golden lampstands, the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches. (Revelation 1:20)

Have you ever seen an angel? The apostle John encountered a frightening heavenly being on the Island of Patmos, but its not exactly clear if this was Yeshua or an angel speaking in Yeshua's name. Get to the bottom of the mystery of the Angel of Yeshua. This teaching compares the opening formulas of other pieces of Jewish apocalypse including the appearances of Gabriel in the book of Daniel.

Does the book of Revelation describe the future, the past, or the future of the past? Why did many people in the early church want to reject the book of Revelation? This teaching summarizes different interpretative approaches to the book and examines the early church's theological objections to the kingdom of heaven.

According to the first three verses of the book of Revelation, God delivered an 'unveiling" of concealed things to his Son Yeshua. He, in turn, revealed it to his angel who revealed it to John to reveal to Yeshua's bondservants. Apocalypse of Messiah, the first teaching in the series on the book of Revelation, introduces us to the apocalyptic genre of literature in order to provide context for the book.


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