Birth Pains of Messiah | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

More about Birth Pains of Messiah

A personal perspective on the Simchat Torah October 7 Massacre, the Gaza War, world events, and the coming day of wrath in light of parashat Noach. 

How did an enlightened, educated, and morally developed culture like Germany of the 1930s perpetrate one of the greatest humanitarian crimes of all time? This lecture takes a look at the problem from the perspective of the Gospels and Dietrich Bonhoeffer and it offers a dire warning for the current trajectory of political and social discourse in America. 

A teaching for Rosh Hashanah 5781 based upon Psalm 130 and the birth pangs of the Messiah.

Watch the video blog year in review here. Download the prayer, "Little Sister" below.

Why do we recite Psalm 27 during the month of Elul? This teaching reveals a few of the secrets hidden in this potent psalm as we weather through the Birth Pangs of the Messiah. 

The three weeks this year are illuminated by the light of Comet Neowise, the latest sign and portent of the birth pangs of the Messiah. Here's a teaching about the new comet and its significance in relation to the three weeks and the coming of the Messiah. 

An international pandemic, riots in American cities, Chinse brinkmanship, rivers in Russia turn blood red, canibal rats in the streets, the American flag torn assunder, the Washington Monument struck by lightning--it's all in another week of the signs of the times during the birth pangs of Messiah.

Signs of the times are mounting up during the Coronavirus epidemic. Are we in the birth pangs of the Messiah? Passover during the Coronavirus lockdowns urges us to engage with Messiah in joy and gratitude despite the end of the world. Here's a teaching to help you get the most of the Passover season this year while you wait for the arrival of Messiah. 

Locust plague, pestilence and disease, a river of blood, earthquakes and storms -- the ten plauges on Egypt? No. It's the headlines from the news. This teaching for Parashat Vayikra looks at the current signs of the times and the "Birth Pangs of Messiah" and tries to place it all in context.

The birth pangs of the Messiah! So what now? Whether your quarentined, under mandatory lockdown, or just stuck at home for Shabbat, here's a teaching about how to make the best of the Shabbat at home experience. 

Concern over Covid-19 continues to grow. This teaching follows the origin of the disease in Wuhan, China up to the present. What's our response as disciples of Yeshua? How should we understand the disease, and how should we respond? Join us for a day of prayer and fasting on Monday March 9, the Fast of Esther. Download the Petition for Protection aginst the Plague below, and add it to your daily prayers. 


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