eternal life | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

More about eternal life

It's not about going to heaven when you die, its about leaving heaven to come back to life. 1 Peter 1:1-5 teaches us that disciples of Yeshua are being born again to an inperishable, undefiled, and unfading hope kept in heaven but made physical here on earth in the resurrection of the dead. 

When humanity sinned and went off the rails, why didn't God just delete us and start over? Here's a quick look at the plan of redemption and the good news of obtaining eternal life through Yeshua. 

God did not abandon the human race but summoned them at various times from error and folly into an understanding of truth, leading them from slavery and wickedness into freedom and piety, from iniquity into righteousness, from eternal death into everlasting life. (Apostolic Constitutions)

Sign number six takes us to the village of Bethany to meet the three siblings: Miriyam, Marta, and Lazer. Here's a teaching through the famous story. 

Are reports of Near Death Experiences (NDE) credible? People resuscitated from clinical brain-death sometimes report out-of-body experiences in the World of Souls. Does that correlate with the Bible? Do these reports have anything to teach us about the state of the dead before the resurrection? This teaching explores the NDE in light of traditional Jewish teaching and New Testament expectation.

Paul says, "The Torah is not faith." This seems to imply that, if you want to be a person of faith, the one thing you chould not do is observe the Torah. Does this make sense? In Galatians 3:11-12, Paul quotes Leviticus 18:5 and Habakkuk 2:4 in a manner consistent with rabbinic interpretation to establish that it is not the hearers of the Torah who will be declared righteous but the doers of the Torah. 

It's common in the Messianic Jewish movement to state that the leaven which must be cast out at Passover symbolizes sin, but a closer look at the New Testament indicates a different symbolism at work. This teaching considers the spiritual significance of chametz (leaven) and matzah (unleavened bread) in connection with the festival of Passover. 

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