Why is Sukkot called the Festival of Nations? It has something to do with Gog and Magog, Leviathan, Antichrist, and the End of Days.

Celebrate the Fall Holidays!
Come and join Beth Immanuel as we celebrate and observe the fall holidays!
The Torah lists a set of festivals and holy days that take place in the fall:
- Rosh Hashanah (the Head of the Year), which the Torah calls Yom Teruah and Zichron Teruah
- Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement), a day of fasting, repentance, and prayer
- Sukkot (the Festival of Tabernacles), a seven-day celebration of God's provision
- Hoshana Rabba (the seventh day of Sukkot), on which the ancient water libation was performed
- Shmini Atzeret (the Eighth-Day Assembly) and Simchat Torah, when we begin the Torah reading cycle anew.
These holidays are beautiful, spiritually intense times, full of joy and profound messianic meaning.