Messianic Era | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

More about Messianic Era

"A Mixed Multitude went up with them" (Exodus 12:38). Who is the mixed multitude that went up with Israel out of Egypt? This teaching looks into the identity of the Gentiles in the Exodus, but goes further, to explore the concept of mixed spaces in the Torah and the Kingdom. 

A forgotten apostolic tradition about "the three camps" of Israel puts us on the trail of an ancient teaching about New Jerusalem and the World to Come. This teaching from just before Shavuot 2014 was the basis of the article that later appeared in Messiah Journal under the title "What No Eye Has Seen."

Is there a difference between the "Holy Spirit" and the "Spirit of Hashem"? Here's a quick overview on the meaning and significance of the Holy Spirit in the life of a disciple of Yeshua of Nazareth.  

What's the significance of the miracle Yeshua performed at the wedding at Cana? The Gospel of John refers to it as the first of his signs. What were the other signs and why is this one so significant? 

God's concealed miracles are with us every day, but he desires to reveal them to us. In the future, everything that has been concealed with be revealed. A story in Midrash Tanchuma from Parashat Chukkat illustrates the concept of God's hidden miracles that are constantly with us.

The Bible says, "Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint." But what is the vision? Here's a talk on the vision behind Messianic Judaism for All Nations and how it differs from other forms of Judaism and Christianity. This teaching presents "the big picture" in the context of a discussion on Jacob's blessings over his sons at the end of the book of Genesis.  

Where would Jesus go to church? Everyone knows that Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue is "too Jewish," but is it too Jewish for Yeshua and the Apostles? This second teaching in the series "It's Too Jewish" tries to get to the bottom of the problem of "too Jewish" and explain the kingdom-based rationale behind a traditional "orthodox-styled" Messianic Jewish syangogue. At the same time, we consider the need for a more culturally adaptable expression of our faith for the other seven billion people on planet earth.

Meet the prophet Micah and learn about how the prophet Micah saved the kingdom of Judah and inspired the greatest revival ever recorded in Jewish history.


I have three questions about Leviticus 26:42:

  1. Why are the names of the forefathers presented in reverse order in Leviticus 26:42?
  2. Why is Jacob's name spelled with an vav?
  3. And why does it say HaShem will remember his covenant with Abraham and Jacob, but regarding Isaac, the Hebrew does not use the word  "remember."

This teaching demonstrates how the land of Israel is an important part of the final redemption and the coming of the kingdom. The blessings in Bechukotai are prophetic descriptions of the land of Israel in the Messianic Era.

New Jerusalem is the capital city of the World to Come. What's the relationship between this world and the World to Come? What's the difference between Messianic Jerusalem and New Jerusalem? And why is there no Temple in New Jerusalem? Listen to a quick-paced run through Revelation 21 and take a taste of the World to Come.



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