Sukkot | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

More about Sukkot

Some people have the custom of decorating their sukkah with a plaque with the words “Zeker  LeAnanei HaKivod”  -- “A Remembrance of the Clouds of Glory.” This teaching explores the relationship between the Sukkah, the clouds, and the coming of the Messiah. 

Why is Sukkot called the Festival of Nations? It has something to do with Gog and Magog, Leviathan, Antichrist, and the End of Days. 

A new Sukkot teaching about how the mitzvah to rejoice during the festival of Sukkot opens the secret to inner joy and the spirit of the Messianic Era. 

A hidden psalm lies concealed, interspersed through the text of Amos. When assembled, the psalm reveals clues about the mission and message of the prophet. Find out the hidden relationship between the book of Amos and the festival of Sukkot, and discover how the Apostles used Amos to justify the inclusion of the Gentiles in the kingdom and the Messianic Era.

The "River of Life" that flows from Jerusalem in the Messianic Era is an important part of our eschatology and an important theme from the Sukkot prayers. Several of the ceremonies for the festival of Sukkot relate to the water of the River of Life, but what is this mysterious water of the kingdom? Listen to a Beth Immanuel teaching from the first day of Sukkot, 5772 (2011), explaining the mystical significance behind the Four Species, the oneness of God's name, the water-pouring ceremony, the great culmination of Hoshanah Rabba, and Yeshua's exclamation in John 7..

How about a little seasonal teaching to enjoy while sitting in the Sukkah? A short teaching about the signifiance of Sukkot, the meaning of the Sukkah, Gog and Magog, the Talmud's view of Gentiles keeping Sukkot in the kingdom, and the festival's relationship to the all of the other festivals and the coming Kingdom of Heaven.

Toby Janicki demonstrates how the Festival of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) ultimately points toward the kingdom when all nations will participate in the festival.

Then everyone who survives of all the nations that have come against Jerusalem shall go up year after year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Booths. (Zec 14:16)


Beth Immanuel reveals the Come Home to Hudson campaign, the first of three aggressive campaigns for the new year 5776.

The first campaign invites believers from outside of the local area to pray about relocating to Hudson, WI in order to be part of a Messianic Jewish community and contribute to the work of the kingdom within the congregation of Beth Immanuel.

Exile yourself to a place of Torah, and do not assume that it will come after you, for it is your companions who will cause it to remain with you. (m.Avot 4:18)

The last blood moon in a series of four lunar eclipses, each falling on significant holy days, occurs on the first day of Sukkot 5776. Is it a sign from heaven? In this teaching from Beth Immanuel Plugged In, Pastor Lancaster sketches out an overview of the blood moon phenomenon and offers his own interpretation of the astronomical event.


The holiday of Sukkot is not only lots of fun, but it is also deeply meaningful and spiritually enriching. It is a perfect time to get kids involved in keeping the commandments and to teach them important things about the Kingdom of God. On the holiday of Sukkot, the Bible gives us tangible and visual ways to worship God and learn about Him.

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