Exodus 25 | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

Exodus 25

The Seven Heavens and the Mystery of the Hebdomad

Some deep thoughts about the seven heavens derived from early Christian and Messianic Jewish sources including Irenaeus, Epistle of Barnabas, Ascension of Isaiah, Clementine Homilies, and Gospel of Thomas. 

Bringing Heaven Down to Earth

If salvation is not intended to get us into heaven, what's the point? This teaching introduces the concept of the exile of God' Dwelling Presence, and the objective of the commandment to build a sanctuary. 

New Jerusalem

New Jerusalem is the capital city of the World to Come. What's the relationship between this world and the World to Come? What's the difference between Messianic Jerusalem and New Jerusalem? And why is there no Temple in New Jerusalem? Listen to a quick-paced run through Revelation 21 and take a taste of the World to Come.


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