John 10 | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

John 10

Hanukkah from Alef to Tav

Hanukkah is more than a holiday of oil and light—it’s a story of resilience, faith, and miracles that shaped Jewish history and identity. What does it mean to kindle light in the darkest time of year, and why is this holiday deeply connected to the Messianic hope? Discover how the courage of the Maccabees parallels the journey of modern Messianic Jews reclaiming their heritage. Explore prophetic allusions to Hanukkah hidden in the Torah and New Testament. Join us to uncover how this ancient celebration inspires renewed dedication in every generation.

The Thief at Rosh HaShanah

The Torah speaks of two types of thieves. One who comes by day and one who comes by night. Yeshua referred to himself as one coming like "a thief in the night." In this Rosh HaShanah teaching, we meditate on the meaning of that title as we prepare for the high holidays.

Eight Days and Eight Years

Psalm 30 is called a "Song for the Chanukah of the House." This teaching connects the Festival of Chanukah with the Festival of Shavuot and the pouring out of the Spirit in Solomon's Colonade. An inspiring Chanukah teaching about the meaning of the festival for Messianic Judaism. This teaching was presented on December 4, 2010 for the eighth anniversary of congregation Beth Immanuel.

Exile Yourself to a Place of Torah

Beth Immanuel reveals the Come Home to Hudson campaign, the first of three aggressive campaigns for the new year 5776.

The first campaign invites believers from outside of the local area to pray about relocating to Hudson, WI in order to be part of a Messianic Jewish community and contribute to the work of the kingdom within the congregation of Beth Immanuel.

Exile yourself to a place of Torah, and do not assume that it will come after you, for it is your companions who will cause it to remain with you. (m.Avot 4:18)

The Keys of Death and Sheol

In the first chapter of the book of Revelation, the risen Yeshua appears and declares that he holds in his hand "the keys to death and Hades." What are these keys and from where did he acquire them? What do they unlock?

This teaching, presented on Erev Rosh HaShanah 5776, discusses the resurrection of the dead in relationship to the shofar of Rosh Hashanah.

Visit Our Messianic Synagogue

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Join us as we enthrone the God of Israel with praise and uplift the name of Yeshua the Messiah!

Our Messianic Synagogue is located in historic Hudson, Wisconsin, just minutes away from St. Paul, Minnesota.

We always welcome visitors, but special events and holidays are wonderful times to visit.

Messianic Jewish Teaching

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