Lech Lecha | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

More about Lech Lecha

Yeshua is appearing to Muslims in dreams and visions, a phenomenon reminiscent of the story in Lech Lecha where an angel appears to Hagar in the wilderness and bestows prophecy and blessing on her unborn son, Ishmael. This teaching is part one of a two-part discussion on the revelation of Yeshua to Muslims. Listen to Part Two of this teaching, Ishmael's Destiny.

Does the Bible sanction the Zionist claim to a Jewish homeland in the Holy Land? What should a Bible-believing follower of the Jesus think about the Jewish people forming the Modern State of Israel. Here's an argument from a biblical and Messianic Jewish perspective. 

The Epistle of Clement preserves otherwise lost, authentic, apostolic teachings about the Torah rooted in forgotten teachings of Yeshua. As Irenaeus, the second-century Bishop of Lyons puts it, "Clement had seen the blessed apostles and conversed with them, their teaching was still ringing in his ears." This lesson looks at how the apostles taught the stories of Enoch, Abraham, Lot, and Rahab.

The Abrahamic prophecies find their greatest fulfillment only in the Messiah and the universal sweep of the Messianic Kingdom. Take a fresh look at Genesis 12:1-5 in the light of the traditional Jewish interpretation and the revelation of Messiah.

Sons and daughters of Abraham by faith follow in the faith of Abraham, and Abraham walked with God. This teaching reflects on Abraham's "friendship" with God and beckons us to follow his example.

In Judaism, the word "missionary" carries a negative connotation, but in the Torah, Abraham was the first missionary. This teaching learns from Father Abraham how to influence your fellow human beings with the light of the revelation of God. Rediscover a heart for evangelism. 

Avram had a unique perspective on the world that made him receptive to God's calling. Learn how this perspective on creation relates to the strange monthly blessing known as Kiddush Levanah.

Does Hagar represent the Jews in slavery under the law while Sarah represents the Christians in freedom under grace? That's the conventional interpretation of Paul's parable in Galatians 4:22, but this teaching turns over that common interpretation by revealing the Jewish background to the story.

Some people have "friends in high places." Abraham is called "the friend of God." Wouldn’t it be great to have a friendship with a Deity, knowing that he’s got your back? This teaching from the haftarah portion for Parshat Lech Lecha explores the concept of Abraham's friendship with God in relationship to being a disciple of Yeshua.

Let's study about the call of Abraham in Parashat Lech Lecha, from Genesis 12:1.

Follow along in Hebrew on Sefaria.


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