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Can a Gentile be Messianic?
Perhaps you have heard of a Messianic Jew. But is it appropriate to refer to a Gentile as “Messianic”?
A Messianic Jew is a Jewish person who practices Messianic Judaism. They share the same basic faith as other observant Jews throughout history. Their specific kind of Judaism, however, is one that acknowledges Jesus as the Messiah.
Jewishness and Judaism
Judaism is a religion, and like other religions, it involves beliefs and practices. Not all Jewish people practice Judaism, though. There are also people who are not Jewish but accept the teachings of Judaism. Being Jewish and practicing Judaism are two different things.
Being Jewish means being part of a certain people group: a nation. As God promised Abraham, “I will make of you a great nation” (Genesis 12:2). And yet there are other nations that are blessed by God as well. God promised Abraham, “in your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed” (Genesis 22:18).
In Hebrew, the same word means both “Gentiles” and “nations.” Being a Gentile is a wonderful thing! Judaism does not consider being Jewish any better than being a Gentile. While the two groups have different roles and responsibilities, both are accepted by God for who they are.
Being a Gentile in Messianic Judaism
If this is the case for Judaism in general, how does it apply in Messianic Judaism?
Even though both Messianic Judaism and Christianity express devotion to Jesus as Messiah, they are not the same. They represent two different perspectives and paradigms. Some Gentile disciples of Jesus identify more with a Messianic Jewish approach rather than a Christian one. Even though this kind of person does not become Jewish, it could be said that they practice Messianic Judaism. This is especially true if they are involved in a Messianic synagogue or other aspects of Messianic Jewish life.
The prophets depict something like this in the future Messianic Kingdom. When Yeshua the Messiah reigns from Jerusalem, people from all nations will be drawn to Israel’s light.
For example, Isaiah envisions this era by saying, “From new moon to new moon, and from Sabbath to Sabbath, all flesh shall come to worship before me, declares the LORD” (Isaiah 66:23). Zechariah says, “Thus says the LORD of hosts: In those days ten men from the nations of every tongue shall take hold of the robe of a Jew, saying, 'Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you'" (Zechariah 8:23).
Gentiles who are involved in Messianic Judaism are experiencing a foretaste of that Messianic Kingdom today. In that sense, it is appropriate to describe them as Messianic Gentiles.
At Beth Immanuel, our community consists of both Messianic Jews and Messianic Gentiles. All disciples of Jesus (Yeshua) are welcome at our synagogue. No matter what your religious or cultural background is, we are honored to have you learn and worship with us.