Messianic Judaism | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue

More about Messianic Judaism

Hanukkah is more than a holiday of oil and light—it’s a story of resilience, faith, and miracles that shaped Jewish history and identity. What does it mean to kindle light in the darkest time of year, and why is this holiday deeply connected to the Messianic hope? Discover how the courage of the Maccabees parallels the journey of modern Messianic Jews reclaiming their heritage. Explore prophetic allusions to Hanukkah hidden in the Torah and New Testament. Join us to uncover how this ancient celebration inspires renewed dedication in every generation.

In this episode, Yisroel Nachum, Ami Buckles, and Shalom Wilson discuss the difference between Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform Judaism while making the argument that an Orthodox expression of Messianic Judaism makes the most sense. This episode was recorded in June 2022, a few weeks before Yisroel Nachum Amic passed into the World of Truth. 

The pilot episode of Am Yisrael, the new Beth Immanuel podcast, features a conversation between Yisroel Nachum Amic, Shalom Wilson, and Ami Buckles discussing the recent Beth Immanuel Shavuot conference and reflecting on their own personal experiences in synagogues and churches before finding their way to Beth Immanuel. 

"Who is a Jew?" Its a controversial question within both mainstream Judaism and within Messianic Judaism. But if we can't answer the question, "Who is a Jew?", we can't really answer the question, "Who is a Gentile?", nor can we define the Messianic Jewish movement as authentically Jewish. Here's an hour long teaching that takes a deep-dive into the subject with some practical guidance for navigating Jewish identity at Beth Immanuel and in the broader Messianic Jewish movement. 

Perhaps you have heard of a Messianic Jew. But is it appropriate to refer to a Gentile as “Messianic”?

A Messianic Jew is a Jewish person who practices Messianic Judaism. They share the same basic faith as other observant Jews throughout history. Their specific kind of Judaism, however, is one that acknowledges Jesus as the Messiah.

All throughout history, there have been individuals of Jewish descent who have followed Jesus. Typically, this has meant leaving Judaism behind and embracing Christian theology and practice.

Towards the end of the 1800s, a new idea emerged among Jewish Christians. They realized that Jesus himself was Jewish, and in New Testament times, Christianity did not exist as a religion distinct from Judaism. So why should Jews who follow Jesus abandon their heritage to embrace something that was foreign even to him?

A lot of people say that they are searching for God, but have you ever stopped to ask yourself, "What is God searching for?" This teaching explains what Yeshua meant when he told the Samaritan woman, "You worship what you do not know, but we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews." Find out why Messianic Judaism is the greatest religion in the world, even though its too Jewish. 

Where are we going with this? What's the end goal? And why is Beth Immanuel so Jewish?

On the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary of the community, Pastor Lancaster tells the story of our transition from Beth Immanuel Sabbath Fellowship to the Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue. Listen along to part one of a four part series titled "Its Too Jewish," and learn about the vision and direction of our community in beautiful, historic, Hudson, Wisconsin. 

Beth Immanuel reveals the Come Home to Hudson campaign, the first of three aggressive campaigns for the new year 5776.

The first campaign invites believers from outside of the local area to pray about relocating to Hudson, WI in order to be part of a Messianic Jewish community and contribute to the work of the kingdom within the congregation of Beth Immanuel.

Exile yourself to a place of Torah, and do not assume that it will come after you, for it is your companions who will cause it to remain with you. (m.Avot 4:18)

Bible teachers often use Hebrews 9 as proof that the disciples of Yeshua abandoned the Old Testament rituals of Temple worship and sacrifices as vestiges of an old covenant that had been replaced by a new covenant. A closer look reveals an entirely different message. Hebrews 9 uses the layout of the Temple to present  a mystical illustration of the passage from this world to the World to Come.

For more on sacrifices and the New Testament, see the First Fruits of Zion audio-teaching What About the New Covenant?.


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Join us as we enthrone the God of Israel with praise and uplift the name of Yeshua the Messiah!

Our Messianic Synagogue is located in historic Hudson, Wisconsin, just minutes away from St. Paul, Minnesota.

We always welcome visitors, but special events and holidays are wonderful times to visit.

Messianic Jewish Teaching

Download and listen to uplifting and insightful teachings presented by D. T. Lancaster and special guests.

Read and study teachings and Bible studies from a Messianic Jewish perspective on a variety of topics.

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