Messianic Audio Teachings | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue | Messianic Jewish synagogue near Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN

Messianic Audio Teachings

Recorded 06/29/2024 • Posted 09/06/2024
Number 5 in the series Epistles of Peter

If life is a test, how do you pass the test? What's the right answer? The Epistle of First Peter gives us the cheat sheet for passing life's trials, but it requires knowing something about the Day of the LORD and the Jewish apocalyptic worldview.   

Recorded 06/22/2024 • Posted 08/09/2024
Number 4 in the series Epistles of Peter

It's not about going to heaven when you die, its about leaving heaven to come back to life. 1 Peter 1:1-5 teaches us that disciples of Yeshua are being born again to an inperishable, undefiled, and unfading hope kept in heaven but made physical here on earth in the resurrection of the dead. 

Recorded 08/02/2024 • Posted 08/02/2024
Number 3 in the series Epistles of Peter

To whom is the Epistle of 1 Peter addressed, Jews or Gentiles? The answer mgiht surprise you. It has to do with being "born again." This teaching explores the divide between Peter and Paul and their respective ideas about Gentile identity in the Messiah Yeshua. 

Recorded 07/19/2011 • Posted 07/26/2024

Drawing directly on the teaching of Yeshua, James warns us against showing partiality and he enjoins us to show mercy that we might receive mercy. This important teaching from the Epistle of James was recorded in the Beth Immanuel Green Room in the summer of 2011. 

Recorded 07/12/2011 • Posted 07/05/2024

What is the perfect Torah of Liberity? Unedited audio from the July 2011 Green Room Class on the Epistle of James covers James 1:19-27. 

Recorded 06/28/2011 • Posted 06/27/2024

Lesson 2 from the summer of 2011 Green Room class on the Epistle of James covers James 1:2-18. 

Recorded 06/21/2011 • Posted 06/21/2024

An introduction to James, the brother of Yeshua and his epistle. This Green Room class on the Epistle of James was recorded on June 21, 2011.

Recorded 06/16/2024 • Posted 06/16/2024

In this final installment of the Entrance to the Eternal Kingdom series, we look at the purpose of creation: love of God. Learn what it means to love God and how to cultivate this love.

Recorded 05/11/2024 • Posted 06/07/2024
Number 2 in the series Epistles of Peter

The apostle Paul says the whole Torah is contained in a single word: love your neighbor as yourself. Does that mean that we are exempt from the other 612 commandments? This teaching further explores the question, "Which commandments of the Torah apply to Gentile disciples of Yeshua?", and it continues the discussion from the teaching titled "When You're Strange.

Recorded 05/24/2024 • Posted 05/24/2024

It is important for us to improve ourselves personally, but to reach the kingdom, we have to grow closer as a community. Learn about the character trait of brotherly love as a step on the path to redemption.

Recorded 05/04/2024 • Posted 05/17/2024
Number 1 in the series Epistles of Peter

Why does Peter refer to the readers of his first epistle as "Strangers" and "Aliens"? Answering this question provides insight into the rift between Peter and Paul, the controversy over Acts 15, and the Gentile disciple's obligations to the commandments of the Torah. 

Recorded 04/22/2024 • Posted 04/22/2024

The Cup of Elijah that we pour at the Seder Meal is the Cup of Wrath poured out on the nations in the Day of the LORD. This teaching from Shabbat Hagadol explains the concept of the Day of the LORD in the Seder, in the Hallel, in the New Testament, and in the story of human history.Also find part one of this teaching here: Elijah's Cup.

Recorded 04/06/2023 • Posted 04/19/2024

Why do we pour a cup for Elijah at the Seder meal? It's not just a quaint tradtion, it's the most Messianic moment in Passover Seder meal. This teaching explores the history of the tradition and the pouring out of God's wrath upon the nations, revealing the coming of the Messiah and the Day of the LORD in the course of the Seder Meal. 

Recorded 02/17/2024 • Posted 03/01/2024

Can Jews be "saved" even if they do not become Christians? In his famous Dialogue with Trypho, the second century apostolic father Justin Martyr reports a non-canonical saying of the Master which sheds significant light on the meaning of "salvation" in the New Testatment Era: "In whatsoever thngs I find you, "In whatsoever things I shall take you, in these I shall judge you." 

Recorded 02/09/2024 • Posted 02/09/2024

Yeshua How can our righteousness exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees? Learn how the principle of chasidut enables one to enter the kingdom.

Recorded 02/09/2024 • Posted 02/09/2024
Number 10 in the series Death of the Messiah

If the wages of sin are death, that means that death pays for sins. But what if the person who dies is sinless? This teaching, part two of a two-part discussion, presents the material from the article titled “The Suffering Tzadik: How Does the Death of the Messiah Bring Atonement?” in Messiah Journal 107 by D. T. Lancaster and Toby Janicki. 

Recorded 01/20/2024 • Posted 02/09/2024
Number 9 in the series Death of the Messiah

How does the death of Yeshua atone for sins? The New Testament assures us that it does without explaining how. This teaching, part one of a two-part discussion, presents the material from the article titled “The Suffering Tzadik: How Does the Death of the Messiah Bring Atonement?” in Messiah Journal 107 by D. T. Lancaster and Toby Janicki. 

Recorded 02/09/2024 • Posted 02/09/2024
Number 8 in the series Am Yisrael Chai Podcast

Where were all the Jewish believers in Yeshua between the first century and the 1970s? Listen in on a wide-ranging and epic-long conversation taking broad sweeps through church history and the strange, ever-morphing, relationship between the church and the Jewish believers as Ami Buckles and D. T. Lancaster fall down one rabbit hole after another. Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.

Recorded 01/25/2024 • Posted 01/25/2024
Number 7 in the series Am Yisrael Chai Podcast

Why does Beth Immanuel need nearly half a million dollars to build a mikvah? Ami and Daniel discuss why a mikvah is mission critical to Beth Immanuel and should be a central concern for all of Messianic Judaism.

Learn more in this teaching titled THE BIG MIKVAH PROJECT.

Donate to the Beth Immanuel Mikvah Fund here: DONATE NOW

Recorded 01/06/2024 • Posted 01/12/2024
Number 9 in the series It's Too Jewish!

Why is Beth Immanuel the way that it is? Here's the mission and vision behind Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue to explain the Judaism part of Messianic Judaism. 


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