Messianic Audio Teachings | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue | Messianic Jewish synagogue near Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN

Messianic Audio Teachings

Recorded 07/23/2013 • Posted 02/04/2022
Number 1 in the series 1 Clement

An introduction to the Epistle of 1 Clement and discussion of 1 Clement 1-4 recorded in the Beth Immanuel Green Room, 2013.

Recorded 01/29/2022 • Posted 01/28/2022

How did an enlightened, educated, and morally developed culture like Germany of the 1930s perpetrate one of the greatest humanitarian crimes of all time? This lecture takes a look at the problem from the perspective of the Gospels and Dietrich Bonhoeffer and it offers a dire warning for the current trajectory of political and social discourse in America. 

Recorded 12/18/2021 • Posted 12/24/2021
Number 16 in the series Ephesians

Unlike any other teaching you might have heard on "the armor of God," this final installment in our series on the Epistle to the Ephesians places the discussion on the armor of God in it's biblical and eschatological context: the final battle with the nations which is called Gog and Magog and the battle of Armageddon.  

Recorded 12/11/2021 • Posted 12/17/2021
Number 15 in the series Ephesians

Stand against the schemes of the Devil and learn about spiritual warfare in Ephesus! Here's the real story behind the "Armor of God" in Ephesians 6 and the meaning of "the devil's schemes."

Recorded 11/20/2021 • Posted 12/03/2021
Number 14 in the series Ephesians

Apostolic directives for slaves and their owners in the Roman world have modern implications for discipleship today. This study from Ephesians 6 teaches us about Distinction Theology, discipleship, and the service of Hashem.

Recorded 11/06/2021 • Posted 12/03/2021
Number 13 in the series Ephesians

There’s no formula to guarantee that you will raise godly children. But here’s a few tips for mom and dad if you want to raise kids that stay in faith: A little parenting advice from Parashat Toldot and Ephesians 6. 

Recorded 11/26/2021 • Posted 11/26/2021

The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry, but Hashem's plans never do. What do you do when youre plans don't work out as you had hoped? Here's a teaching about God's hidden ways.

Recorded 10/30/2021 • Posted 10/29/2021

Are you a servant of Yeshua? The apostles found inspiration and their own sense of identity in the story of Abraham sending his servant Eliezer on a mission to Haran.

Recorded 10/16/2021 • Posted 10/14/2021

The Abrahamic prophecies find their greatest fulfillment only in the Messiah and the universal sweep of the Messianic Kingdom. Take a fresh look at Genesis 12:1-5 in the light of the traditional Jewish interpretation and the revelation of Messiah.

Recorded 10/02/2021 • Posted 10/01/2021

Study is the highest form of worship. Here's a talk about Torah study for Shabbat Bereishit, encouraging us all to get more serious and more disciplined in our daily Bible studies. 

Recorded 09/15/2021 • Posted 09/15/2021

A teaching of Yom Kippur 5762 (2021) about the impact of the cross on how believers understand and celebrate Yom Kippur.

Recorded 08/26/2021 • Posted 08/26/2021
Number 12 in the series Ephesians

Paul refers to marriage as a “profound mystery.” He does not mean that “men are from Mars and women are from Venus” or that “you can’t live with them and can’t live without them.” A “mystery” is “an esoteric secret” on the level of Sod. Let’s take a look at the profound mystery at the end of Ephesians 5.

Recorded 08/07/2021 • Posted 08/12/2021

Here's the story and testimony of teshuvah behind Beth Immanuel's Reb Yisroel Amic as he transitioned from a life of drugs and gangs to beard and payos and the inner transformation of the heart. A story for the month Elul. 

Recorded 08/14/2021 • Posted 08/12/2021

The path of discipleship is a narrow one and the cost of discipleship is high. Before committing to the path, Yeshua tells us to count the cost. Here's a teaching about the conflict between our value system and that of the world around us that asks the question, "Why are you religious?"

Recorded 07/31/2021 • Posted 08/04/2021
Number 7 in the series It's Too Jewish!

"Who is a Jew?" Its a controversial question within both mainstream Judaism and within Messianic Judaism. But if we can't answer the question, "Who is a Jew?", we can't really answer the question, "Who is a Gentile?", nor can we define the Messianic Jewish movement as authentically Jewish. Here's an hour long teaching that takes a deep-dive into the subject with some practical guidance for navigating Jewish identity at Beth Immanuel and in the broader Messianic Jewish movement. 

Recorded 08/11/2019 • Posted 07/16/2021
Number 9 in the series Death of the Messiah

There's a direct connection between the death of the Messiah and the destruction of the Temple. The story of the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple gets to the heart of the meaning of the crucifixion of Yeshua. Listen to this unedited recording of a live presentation to a Beth Immanuel Green Room class on the afternoon of Tisha B'Av 2019. 

Recorded 07/09/2021 • Posted 07/09/2021

A discourse by Paul Philip Levertoff on the subject of God's love through the Messiah as expressed in the Gospel of John. Excertped from Levertoff's book Love in the Messianic Age. See the attached PDF below for a print copy.

Recorded 06/26/2021 • Posted 06/25/2021

Time to take stock and determine who is still with us "after the plague." 

Ask not, "What benefits do I get as a Beth Immanuel member." Ask, "What benefits does Beth Immanuel get from my membership?"

Then it came about after the plague, that the LORD spoke to Moses and to Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest, saying, “Take a census of all the congregation ..." (Numbers 26:1-2)

Recorded 06/18/2021 • Posted 06/18/2021
Number 11 in the series Ephesians

Why does Paul tell the Gentile disciples in Ephesus that they must no longer live as Gentiles? What's that supposed to mean? In what way are Gentile disciples of Yeshua supposed to live like Jews? The answer may surprise you. 

Recorded 05/22/2021 • Posted 05/28/2021

The call to discipleship demands spiritual maturity. Here's how the commissioning of an Elite Spiritual Special Forces Unit of shlichim emmisaries for proclaiming the good news can help insultate us from assimilation and apostasy. 


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Our Messianic Synagogue is located in historic Hudson, Wisconsin, just minutes away from St. Paul, Minnesota.

We always welcome visitors, but special events and holidays are wonderful times to visit.

Messianic Jewish Teaching

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