Messianic Audio Teachings | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue | Messianic Jewish synagogue near Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN

Messianic Audio Teachings

Recorded 01/06/2024 • Posted 01/12/2024
Number 9 in the series It's Too Jewish!

Why is Beth Immanuel the way that it is? Here's the mission and vision behind Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue to explain the Judaism part of Messianic Judaism. 

Recorded 12/30/2023 • Posted 01/04/2024
Number 8 in the series The War Against Israel

What's going to happen in 2024 and the days to come? Here's a largely pessimistic assessment of the world as we stumble into the secular new year which makes the light of the hope of the coming kingdom shine all that much brighter for the darkness.  

Recorded 12/15/2023 • Posted 12/15/2023

Continuing the Entrance to the Eternal Kingdom series, we learn the importance of perseverance for achieving the mission for which your soul was created.

Recorded 12/09/2023 • Posted 12/11/2023
Number 7 in the series The War Against Israel

The Festival of Hanukkah is called "the festival of lights," but it's actually a festival commemorating a war. In this teaching, we consider the biblical perspective on war. Is there such a thing as a just or ethical war? 

Recorded 12/02/2023 • Posted 12/08/2023
Number 6 in the series The War Against Israel

What's the underlying spiritual agenda in the world-wide war against Israel? The story of Jacob dividing his family into two camps in preparation to meet Esau provides a clue that connects to the prophecies of Obadiah and a prophecy against all nations.

Recorded 11/25/2023 • Posted 12/01/2023
Number 5 in the series The War Against Israel

Jacob's vision of a ladder reaching to heaven upon which angels ascend and descend contains a hidden meaning about spiritual warfare, the exile of the Jewish people, and their inheritance in the land of Israel. This teaching connects the dots and reveals the mission of Yeshua to redeem the Jewish people from exile.  

Recorded 11/18/2023 • Posted 11/22/2023
Number 4 in the series The War Against Israel

The Secular Progressive Left and Islamic Jihadists make for strange bedfellows. What's the real story behind their common cause in anti-Zionism and their hatred for the State of Israel?

Recorded 11/08/2023 • Posted 11/08/2023
Number 3 in the series The War Against Israel

The world has erupted with mass anti-Israel and anti-Jewish protests. Open expressions of anti-Semitism not seen since the Nazi Reich are reported in Europe, America, and American college campuses. It does not bode well for Western Society or the disciples of Yeshua. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. This teaching reminds the disciples of Yeshua of who they are and how to prepare for the coming tribulation.  

Recorded 10/28/2023 • Posted 11/03/2023
Number 2 in the series The War Against Israel

Does the Bible sanction the Zionist claim to a Jewish homeland in the Holy Land? What should a Bible-believing follower of the Jesus think about the Jewish people forming the Modern State of Israel. Here's an argument from a biblical and Messianic Jewish perspective. 

Recorded 10/21/2023 • Posted 10/24/2023
Number 1 in the series The War Against Israel

A personal perspective on the Simchat Torah October 7 Massacre, the Gaza War, world events, and the coming day of wrath in light of parashat Noach. 

Recorded 10/13/2023 • Posted 10/13/2023

In this continuation of the Pitchei Olam series, we will discuss the meaning of "self-control." A battle rages within every person. Our enemy, the evil inclination, wants to strip us of the image of God and turn us into any other animal. Learn how to seize control of the battlefield within your own heart and achieve your purpose to establish God's kingdom on earth.

Recorded 09/16/2023 • Posted 09/21/2023

An important story about Rosh Hashanah and the coming of the Messiah is hidden just beneath the surface of the story of David, Abigail, and Nabal. Here's the teaching for Rosh Hashanah 5784.

Recorded 09/01/2023 • Posted 09/01/2023

Along the path on our journey to the Kingdom, we must acquire knowledge. In this lesson we learn about the Jewish concept of knowledge, what it means to know God, and the steps involved in gaining knowledge.

Recorded 08/26/2023 • Posted 09/01/2023
Number 3 in the series Antichrist

What if you have been following the wrong Jesus? Do you think that the wrong Jesus can save you? This teaching discusses the problem with making correct theology a criteria for salvation. 

Recorded 08/19/2023 • Posted 08/25/2023
Number 2 in the series Antichrist

Who is the Antichrist? A popular Jewish legend about Solomon and the prince of demons offers an uncanny insight into the nature and identity of Antichrist. 

Recorded 08/12/2023 • Posted 08/18/2023
Number 1 in the series Antichrist

A great deception is coming. Or perhaps it's already here. Listen to a quick introduction to the shadowy character and end-times arch-villain called Antichrist. This teaching presents the "Man of Lawlessness" and "World Deceiver" in light of the Torah's warnings about false prophets. 

Recorded 08/05/2023 • Posted 08/04/2023

Bartholomew did not change his clothes for 26 years. An old Christian tradition about the martyrdom of Bartholomew preserves a legend about the miraculous clothing worn by the apostles, pointing us to the hope of the resurrection from the dead. 

Recorded 08/20/2022 • Posted 08/04/2023

Would it be so wrong if God were to make you wealthy? On Rosh Hashanah, your money for the coming year is determined. Here's a teaching about wealth, poverty, and wisdom based on Parashat Ekev and the words of King Solomon.  

Recorded 07/28/2023 • Posted 07/28/2023

2 Peter 1:5 instructs us to add "virtue" or "excellence" to our faith. But what does that mean, exactly? Take a linguistic journey through the sources to find the Jewish heart at the core of this concept.

Recorded 07/11/2009 • Posted 07/07/2023

The first of three admonitions for the three weeks "between the narrows" comes from the first chapter of Jeremiah. This teaching rehearses the story of King Josiah, Torah Rediscovered, and the world of the biblical prophets in the days of Jeremiah. 


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Our Messianic Synagogue is located in historic Hudson, Wisconsin, just minutes away from St. Paul, Minnesota.

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