Messianic Audio Teachings | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue | Messianic Jewish synagogue near Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN

Messianic Audio Teachings

Recorded 06/17/2023 • Posted 06/20/2023

The spies sent to spy out the land of Canaan saw giants and warned the people not to enter the land. The Torah says that the giants in Canaan were Nephilim. Here's the story of how Caleb and Joshua not only saw the giants in Canaan, they defeated them too.

Recorded 05/21/2011 • Posted 06/16/2023

Gender identity has never been a more polarizing issue than it is today, but here's a Beth Immanuel teaching from back in 2011 about the difference between boys and girls and the stuff they are made of. Despite our differences, we share the same high calling of our Master, the call to discipleship.

Recorded 06/18/2022 • Posted 06/09/2023

What is reality? It's not what you think. Or maybe it is what you think--and that's the problem. Here's a discussion on the nature of prophecy and how it relates to getting in touch with Absolute Reality. 

Recorded 05/27/2023 • Posted 06/02/2023

Why do we read the book of Ruth on Shavuot? This inquiry into the origin of the custom takes us on an Indiana Jones style adventure to find the authentic tomb of King David. 

Recorded 05/25/2023 • Posted 05/25/2023

The first commandment at Mount Sinai was "I am the LORD your God who took you out from Egypt, out of the house of slavery" (Exodus 20:2). Why did God introduce himself this way instead of as the God "who Created of the Universe"? In this lecture we will explore the meaning of implications of faith (emunah) as the foundation of our life's journey to the Kingdom.

Recorded 05/15/2023 • Posted 05/19/2023
Number 6 in the series Am Yisrael Chai Podcast

What did Maimonides say about Yeshua of Nazareth? In the uncensored version of Mishneh Torah, the Rambam states that Yeshua of Nazareth cannot be "the one promised in the Torah," but he remains conspicuously silent about the messianic prophecies in the books of the Prophets, particularly the prophecies about a suffering Messiah. In this episode, Ami Buckles argues from the deafening silence that Rambam considered that Yeshua might qualify as Mashiach ben Yosef, the suffering Messiah. Listen in on Ami's conversation with D. T. Lancaster.   

Recorded 05/13/2023 • Posted 05/18/2023

Yeshua teaches in the Nazareth synagogue and proclaims "liberty to captives and freedom to prisoners" in reference to the Juibilee laws of Leviticus 25. This discussion on the mitzvah of redeeming captives considers the plight of "the infant taken captive and raised by strangers." 


Sudan Interior Mission

Christial Solidarity International

Recorded 05/06/2023 • Posted 05/05/2023

To love God with all your soul means being willing to relinquish your soul for the sake of His name. Here's a sober discussion about martyrdom as an expression of the commandment to sanctify God's name: "You shall not profane My holy name, but I will be sanctified among the sons of Israel.” (Leviticus 22:32) 

Recorded 04/28/2023 • Posted 04/28/2023

Explore the process of spiritual self-improvement as outlined in 2 Peter 1:5-7, in light of Jewish thought. Learn how Jewish sources provide step-by-step outlines for personal growth, and delve into the importance of the pursuit of holiness and entrance to what Peter calls "the Eternal Kingdom." 

Books mentioned:

Recorded 04/12/2023 • Posted 04/14/2023

What's the real meaning behind the Eucharist, the Lord's Supper, and Communion? This teaching offers a Messianic Jewish perspective on the ritual that goes beyond the Passover Seder context to unlock the significance of the Master's words, "Do this in remembrance of me."  

Recorded 04/17/2022 • Posted 04/04/2023

Yeshua claims that he is the resurrection and the life. What does that mean, and do we really believe it? A teaching from the second day of Passover 2022 discusses the hope of the resurrection and the significance of Yeshua's claims. 

Recorded 03/31/2023 • Posted 03/31/2023

The holiday we usually refer to as "Passover," the Torah refers to as "Chag Ha-Matzot," the Festival of Unleavened Bread. A holiday celebrating the exodus from Egypt makes sense, but how did flatbread end up stealing all the attention? Learn the deep symbolism of matzah and its leavened couterpart, chametz, as we prepare for the Passover holiday.

Recorded 03/11/2023 • Posted 03/16/2023

How does atonment work? This teaching for Shabbat Parah (The Sabbath of the Cow) and Shabbat Ki Tssa (story of the golden calf) upends most conventional ideas about how atonement was accomplished on the cross. 

Recorded 03/11/2013 • Posted 03/08/2023
Number 4 in the series Isaiah in the New Testament

This class from Isaiah in the New Tetament takes you through Hezekiah's tunnel back to the days of Isaiah to discover the meaning behing the keys to the kingdom of heaven that Yeshua entrusts into the hands of his disciples. Download the PDF of the original handout below.

Recorded 02/25/2023 • Posted 03/02/2023

Some deep thoughts about the seven heavens derived from early Christian and Messianic Jewish sources including Irenaeus, Epistle of Barnabas, Ascension of Isaiah, Clementine Homilies, and Gospel of Thomas. 

Recorded 03/04/2013 • Posted 03/01/2023
Number 3 in the series Isaiah in the New Testament

Class three of Isaiah in the New Testament tackles Isaiah 1 and the significant Messianic prophecy of Isaiah 10-11. Get ready for a solid hour of intertextual Bible study taking you from 722 BCE to the Apostolic Era and all the way to final redemption. Download the orginal handout as a PDF below.

Recorded 02/25/2013 • Posted 02/09/2023
Number 2 in the series Isaiah in the New Testament

A significant teaching about the meaning of the book of Isaiah, King Hezekiah as the Messiah, and the true meaning of the prophecy of the virgin birth. Here's the real story behind some of the New Testament's best-known quotations of Isaiah. A real darama full of intrigue. Download the original class handout as a PDF below.

Recorded 07/07/2022 • Posted 02/07/2023
Number 5 in the series Am Yisrael Chai Podcast

In this episode, the guys discuss Shabbos observance in their own lives, at Beth Immanuel, and in the larger Messianic Jewish movement. 

Recorded 02/18/2013 • Posted 02/03/2023
Number 1 in the series Isaiah in the New Testament

Did God really want Isaiah to harden Israel's hearts, blind their eyes, and deafen their ears? This introduction to the book of Isaiah and study on Isaiah's vision in chapter 6 unlocks important ideas from the New Testament about the Jewish rejection of Yeshua's message. Join the Green Room class from February 2013 for the first lesson in the series "Isaiah in the New Testament." Download the original class handout as a PDF below.

Recorded 02/03/2007 • Posted 02/03/2023

Afraid to hope? Here's the antidote. Discover the secret to success and how to become a "water walker" in this live 2007 presentation on the story of the crossing of the Red Sea from Parashat Beshallach.


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Our Messianic Synagogue is located in historic Hudson, Wisconsin, just minutes away from St. Paul, Minnesota.

We always welcome visitors, but special events and holidays are wonderful times to visit.

Messianic Jewish Teaching

Download and listen to uplifting and insightful teachings presented by D. T. Lancaster and special guests.

Read and study teachings and Bible studies from a Messianic Jewish perspective on a variety of topics.

Grow and learn daily through interactive video lessons from a variety of teachers.

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Beth Immanuel is your source for Messianic Jewish teaching, and we want to be your long-distance Messianic Jewish Synagogue too. If you enjoy the teachings at, consider becoming a virtual member of our community.