Messianic Audio Teachings | Beth Immanuel Messianic Synagogue | Messianic Jewish synagogue near Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN

Messianic Audio Teachings

Recorded 03/14/2018 • Posted 01/25/2023
Number 16 in the series Meet the Prophets

The prophet Malachi sets us up for the religious conflicts that define the gospels in the New Tesament Era. This teaching provides an overview of the book of Malachi and it's place in the history of the Second Temple Era in anticipation of the coming of the Messiah.

Recorded 03/07/2018 • Posted 01/25/2023
Number 15 in the series Meet the Prophets

The prophets Zechariah and Haggai worked together at the time of the building of the Second Temple. This teaching begins with Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret in the Temple, unlocks the meaning of the mysterious visions Zechariah, reveals the name of the Messiah, discusses the war of Gog and Magog, and reaches toward the kingdom. 

Recorded 01/21/2023 • Posted 01/20/2023

Do you feel like you have a special calling in life? The Apostle Paul says, “Consider your calling.” Today’s teaching takes some time for those considerations and ascertains the calling the apostles had in mind. 

Recorded 06/24/2022 • Posted 01/15/2023
Number 4 in the series Am Yisrael Chai Podcast

Episode 4 of Am Yisrael Podcast takes a deep dive into the history behind the differences between Ashkenazi and Sephardi tradition and considers how those differences play out in Messianic Judaism. Yisroel, Ami, and Shalom recorded this episode with special guest, Mattai, several weeks before Yisroel departed for the World of Truth.

Recorded 10/15/2013 • Posted 01/15/2023
Number 12 in the series 1 Clement

Clement dispatched three elders, a beit din from the community in Rome, to serve his epistle to the assembly of disciples in Corinth. Turns out we have met one of them before in Paul's epistles to Corinth. With a few closing remarks, a blessing, and two more doxologies, we conclude the epistle of 1 Clement and discuss its reception among the churches in the second and third centuries. Download the PDF below for the original handout.

Recorded 06/17/2022 • Posted 01/13/2023
Number 3 in the series Am Yisrael Chai Podcast

In this episode, Yisroel Nachum, Ami Buckles, and Shalom Wilson discuss the difference between Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform Judaism while making the argument that an Orthodox expression of Messianic Judaism makes the most sense. This episode was recorded in June 2022, a few weeks before Yisroel Nachum Amic passed into the World of Truth. 

Recorded 01/13/2023 • Posted 01/13/2023

God is invisible. Human beings are not. But the person of faith chooses the fear of the invisible over the fear of the visible. The story of the birth of Moses, the slaying of the Egyptian, and his flight from Pharaoh told from three perspectives: Exodus 2, Acts 7, Hebrews 11.

Recorded 10/08/2013 • Posted 01/12/2023
Number 11 in the series 1 Clement

What did the liturgy and prayers of the early disciples of Yeshua sound like? Clement's epistle to the Corinthians concludes with a majestic prayer with strong parallels to Jewish liturgy. This lesson and the contents of the prayer include material pertinent to the modern political divide as Clement teaches us how to pray for government officials. Download the oriignal class handout in the PDF attachment below.

Recorded 10/01/2013 • Posted 01/05/2023
Number 10 in the series 1 Clement

Sometimes the sacrifice of peace is self-sacrifice. In 1 Clement 53-58, Clement urges the upstarts in Corinth to follow the examples of godly heroes of the past who did not hesitate to risk themselves and sacrifice their positions for the good of the community. 

Recorded 09/17/2013 • Posted 12/30/2022
Number 9 in the series 1 Clement

We have a commandment to love God and a commandment to love others. In his epistle to the Corinthians, Clement appeals to the authority of Yeshua's mandates about love to pose an argument against the ursurpers in Corinth. Listen in on this Green Room Class from 2013 on 1 Clement 47-52. Download a pdf of the original handout below. 

Recorded 12/22/2012 • Posted 12/30/2022

The authentic Gospel of Peter is not the aporcryphal gospel known by that title. Instead, it's already in your Bible. In this teaching from Tevet 9, December 22, 2012, we take a look at the story behind the composition of the Gospel of Mark.

Recorded 10/22/2022 • Posted 12/23/2022

A teaching from parashat Bereishit about the merit of the righteous, cleaving to the righteous, and the concept of "Tzaddik Yesod Olam, the Righteous is the Foundation of the World" (Proverbs 10:25).

Recorded 11/25/2022 • Posted 11/25/2022

Spiritual stature is measured in the inverse. Esau and Jacob reflect two opposite mindsets, and being “small” like Jacob is the key to personal and spiritual success.

Recorded 11/19/2022 • Posted 11/18/2022

What's the real relationship between King Solomon and false messiah? That's the question behind this teaching on the haftarah for Chayei Sarah.

Recorded 07/02/2011 • Posted 11/04/2022

Biblical faith is a life of trust, belief, confidence, optimism, and certainty in God’s goodness. It accepts that the otherwise unseen and unknown things revealed by God’s prophets, by His Son, and by the apostles are all true and certain. 

Recorded 10/22/2016 • Posted 10/14/2022

Some people have the custom of decorating their sukkah with a plaque with the words “Zeker  LeAnanei HaKivod”  -- “A Remembrance of the Clouds of Glory.” This teaching explores the relationship between the Sukkah, the clouds, and the coming of the Messiah. 

Recorded 10/10/2019 • Posted 10/07/2022

Why is Sukkot called the Festival of Nations? It has something to do with Gog and Magog, Leviathan, Antichrist, and the End of Days. 

Recorded 10/01/2022 • Posted 09/30/2022

Are you ready to hear the Messiah read the Torah? This Sukkot is the festival after the seventh year during which we are to hear the king read the Torah. The mitzvah of Hakhel (Deuteronomy 31:10-13) says that during the festival of Sukkot, at the end of a Shemitah year, everyone is supposed to assemble in Jerusalem to hear the Torah read aloud to the whole assembly by the king of Israel.

Recorded 09/17/2022 • Posted 09/23/2022

It's not difficult to get back on the path. The hard thing is staying on the path. Here's some advice for making your resultions stick and winning the fight with yourself.

Recorded 09/10/2022 • Posted 09/16/2022

Some practical advice for jumpstarting repentance during the forty days of teshuvah that culminate with Yom Kippur. 


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