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Beth Immanuel's Kosher Kitchen
Beth Immanuel has a kosher kitchen staffed by volunteers from the community.
Kosher at Beth Immanuel
At Beth Immanuel, we encourage people to consider what the Bible teaches about food. In private homes, our practices and standards vary. For community functions and shared meals, we desire to meet the highest standard we can. The Beth Immanuel kitchen is a fully kosher dairy/parve kitchen according to traditional Jewish standards.This insures that everyone can eat and fellowship together. Nobody needs to feel left out.
Our kosher kitchen kicks out two to three meals for every Sabbath and for all the holidays. We serve more than 120 meals annually filling more than five thousand plates!
If you would like to contribute to the food at Beth Immanuel, speak to the volunteers in the kitchen. We will be happy to assist you in making appropriate contributions to the effort of feeding the Master's sheep. Other ways to contribute toward the effort include volunteering for food prep, serving, clean up, and dishwashing. Financial contributions for the food budget are also graciously accepted.