The Van Sandt Family from Fort Wayne, IN
While in Bible College, David was on a prayer team praying for Israel, and thus our journey in Messianic Judaism began. We found a small Messianic home group while living in Fort Wayne, Indiana; we met on Saturdays in the leader’s home. Although we learned much about Messianic things, we discovered the group was moving in a different direction than we were headed. We wanted to pursue a more Messianic Jewish life, but the group was more about the Hebrew Roots of Christianity. We learned many things such as the festivals, the prayers, messianic resources, including FFOZ, and we learned about Beth Immanuel.
After leaving this home fellowship, we devoted Saturday mornings with our family to worship, prayer, and listening to Daniel’s teachings; we became Virtual Congregants. However, we felt very isolated trying to “have church” on our own. It was hard to be motivated with older children, and although we tried a little to get others to come, no one ever came to our home group. We began to adjust our “service” according to our moods that day.
We felt Beth Immanuel’s teaching, goals, values and motives were in the direction that God was leading us. We wanted to pursue Messianic Judaism. Because Beth Immanuel is in Hudson, Hudson became a pinnacle of our goals and excitement. We came for a visit at Shavuot and stayed a while longer; we got a taste of the Beth Immanuel community. Messianic Judaism is a community religion and without a community of like-mind people it's nearly impossible to live this out.
We decided to move! While living in Indiana, we found an apartment in Hudson that met our requirements and signed up sight unseen. We arrived in Hudson the Friday before Rosh Hashanah (2012) and ate Erev Shabbat that night at the Ebys. We had arrived and our lives have been forever changed. We love it here and feel there is truth here.
We both feel that this is where God has led us to be and are certain we made the right decision to move to Hudson and become a part of Beth Immanuel. We have learned and grown so much spiritually at Beth Immanuel. It is fabulous to have community around us. We now live a few blocks from the church/synagogue. Since we live close to the building, we are able to walk to Shabbat services and see our spiritual family often, not just on Saturdays and Wednesdays, but on weekdays as well. We can call one another if we need help and can assist others in need as well. We have a community that’s supportive in pursuing our discipleship to the Master Yeshua.
If you are serious about pursuing Messianic Judaism for all Nations, then make whatever sacrifice is needed and move to Hudson, WI. Living in Hudson if at all possible is best if you want to experience the fullest community life. If you want to be involved in the type of place that Yeshua would feel comfortable attending, you should come here.