Beth Immanuel is a friendly and welcoming community. Click here to learn what to expect when you visit.

Guide for New Visitors
We love visitors! You don't have to be Jewish or know Hebrew to attend Beth Immanuel. Everyone is welcome. Don't worry about feeling unfamiliar with the synagogue service. We are happy to provide answers to your questions.
When should I visit?
Check out our Services page. If you are looking for an authentic, liturgical synagogue experience, we daven every Saturday morning beginning at 9:00 AM (most people opt to arrive around 10:15 AM). Another option is to come for a special event such as one of the Jewish holidays.
How do I get there?
Beth Immanuel is located in Hudson, Wisconsin, which is on I-94 just across the border from Minnesota and only minutes away from St. Paul. For a map and directions, see our location page.
What should I expect?
Beth Immanuel is an orthodox Messianic Jewish synagogue, so you may encounter some things that are unfamiliar. Don't let that deter you—be adventurous!:
- Synagogue furnishings:
- A cabinet called an aron kodesh contains our Torah scrolls.
- A platform and table called a bimah is where Scripture reading is performed.
- Our seating arrangement is focused toward the center of the room.
- Liturgical prayer:
- Long services, typically three hours or longer.
- Some of our prayers are in Hebrew and others are in English.
- Prayers are recited from a book called a Siddur.
- One person, called the cantor, leads the congregation in prayer.
- Traditional apparel:
- Men wear a skullcap called a yarmulke or kippah.
- Jewish men also wear a prayer shawl called a tallit.
- Some of the married women choose to wear a covering for their hair such as a tichel, hat, hair band, or scarf. Some women choose not to cover their hair at all.
- A ceremonial Scripture reading:
- The Scroll of the Torah is taken from the aron and presented before the community.
- A portion of the scroll is read alloud to the community every Sabbath.
- The reading is ntonated according to its ancient melody.
What should I wear?
It is customary and appropriate to dress up as nicely as we can in honor of the Sabbath. Button-up shirts are a good idea for men; a suit always looks nice.
We place a high value on modest dress. Clothing should be gender-appropriate. Shorts are discouraged. Some women wear slacks, but if wearing a dress or skirt, it should be long enough to cover the knees when seated. Shirts should have sleeves and cover mid-sections. Necklines should not be low-cut. Everything private should be covered. (Head covering for women is not required at Beth Immanuel; it is a personal choice.)
All men are encouraged to wear a kippah (skullcap) when in the sanctuary. If you do not have your own, we are be happy to loan you one. Jewish men are encouraged to wear a tallit (prayer shawl) during the morning service, which we can also provide.
What should I bring?
If you have a favorite Bible or Siddur, feel free to bring it or use one of ours.
Please leave electronic devices such as phones, tablets, computers, cameras, and games at home. If you must have a mobile phone with you, please silence the ringer, and do not take photographs on Sabbath.
If you are a visitor, we provide a small lunch after services. Do not worry about contributing food. Our meals are kosher to strict, traditional standards. It's our pleasure to provide the food for you!