Beth Immanuel is a friendly and welcoming community. Click here to learn what to expect when you visit.

Synagogue Etiquette
Beth Immanuel conducts synagogue services on Shabbat (Friday night and Saturday) and on holidays. Synagogue worship services consist of ancient liturgies and ceremonies which go back thousands of years, all the way back to the Temple in the days of the apostles. Jesus and his disciples participated in synagogue services every Sabbath, and so did the earliest Christians.
If you are new to the synagogue experience, it might seem strange and foreign to you at first. It takes a while to learn how the services work in Judaism and what it all means; especially the parts that are in Hebrew! If you are new to the synagogue, don’t worry. Just relax and enjoy connecting with God in the midst of this ancient form of worship. If you are feeling courageous, you can try learning some of our synagogue melodies.
Here are some pointers for visiting a synagogue such as Beth Immanuel:
- Dress appropriately.
- Stand when the congregation stands; sit when the congregation sits.
- Do not use the sanctuary as a shortcut, even when services are not in session.
- Do not enter the sanctuary when the doors of the aron kodesh (the cabinet that holds the Torah scrolls) are open.
- Remove your children if they are noisy during the service.
- Do not bring electronic devices such as phones, tablets, computers, cameras, or games. If you must have a phone, set the ringer to silent.
- Do not bring or use recording devices on the Sabbath and holidays, even when services are not in session.
- Keep affectionate touching such as hugs to friends of the same gender and family members.
- Stand any time the Torah scroll is lifted or in motion.
- Do not attempt to pronounce the Sacred Name of God.
- Do not distribute leaflets or literature.
- Do not be disruptive.
- Men (Jew and Gentile) are encouraged to wear a kippah (skullcap) when in the sanctuary or when reciting prayers and blessings.
- Jewish men may elect to wear a traditional prayer shawl in the morning services.
- Consult with synagogue leadership before bringing in any outside food.
- Do not solicit or conduct business on the Sabbath and holidays.